Become a Registered Dental Hygienist. Located at the Lowry location, CCD offers one of the most respected dental hygiene programs in Colorado.
Degree Options

Dental Hygienist

Associate of Applied Science Degree | CODA Accredited | 62 Credits
Direct to Work or Continue with BAS
a variety of career opportunities
One of the Most Highly Rated Programs in the State

The dental hygiene program at the Community College of Denver (CCD) was established in 1996. Located on the Lowry campus of CCD, it is one of the most highly rated programs in the state. Students are educated to become preventive oral health professionals who provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services in dentistry. Dental hygienists perform procedures such as oral prophylaxis, application of preventive agents, exposure of dental radiographs, patient education, and nutritional counseling.

Career opportunities for hygienists are available in a variety of settings, including:

  • private dental practices
  • community dental health clinics
  • public schools
  • clinical and basic science research laboratories
  • state and federal health facilities
  • management positions
CCD Dental Hygiene students with a patient
Expand your Knowledge and Skills!

Registered Dental Hygienists can continue their education through our Degree Completion Program in Dental Hygiene. Designed for licensed dental hygienists seeking to elevate their careers, this program equips you with the skills and knowledge needed for leadership roles in the dental field. We also offer a variety of Continuing Education courses, which offers specialized courses to enhance your expertise and keep you updated on the latest practices. Together, these programs empower you to achieve your career goals and excel in the ever-evolving dental hygiene landscape. Join us today and take the next step toward a brighter future!

Program Goals

The goal of the dental hygiene program at Community College of Denver is to prepare students to provide comprehensive dental hygiene care to a culturally and socioeconomically diverse patient population and to enhance the patient's oral health and total wellness.

  1. CCD dental hygiene graduates will demonstrate ethical and professional behavior in all aspects of their profession.
  2. CCD dental hygiene graduates will employ the Dental Hygiene Process of Care, principles of dental hygiene diagnosis, and treatment planning to meet the needs of a diverse patient population.
  3. CCD dental hygiene graduates will promote the oral and general health of the patient through the competent provision of dental hygiene knowledge and skills.
  4. CCD dental hygiene graduates will initiate, assume responsibility for, and deliver health promotion and disease prevention activities to a culturally and socio-economically diverse population in a variety of settings.
  5. CCD dental hygiene graduates will pursue life-long learning, self-evaluation, and evidence-based decision-making through the application of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  6. CCD dental hygiene program graduates will successfully complete written and clinical board examinations necessary for dental hygiene licensure.
CCD Dental Hygiene student with a patient
A Unique Blend of Academic and Clinical Coursework

CCD's Dental Hygiene program requires attention to detail, motivation, and the ability to complete tasks within a specific timeframe. Through its science and clinically-based curriculum, students learn the educational, clinical, and communication skills necessary to become valued members of the profession. Dental hygiene students are strongly encouraged to be self-directed in their learning and to establish the highest standards of professional and personal excellence.

More Information About the Program

To practice dental hygiene, licensure by national and state examination is required.

This Program in Dental Hygiene is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation and has been granted the accreditation status of "Approval without reporting requirements".

The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education.

The Commission on Dental Accreditation
211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-2678

Dental hygiene students should begin planning early with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to meet their educational goals and needs. The Dental Hygiene program uses a variety of resources including online resources to limit costs to students in the program.

For information regarding CCD’s Tuition and Fees, please refer to the information on tuition rates per credit hour. Dental hygiene is a specialty program and tuition rates per credit hour are listed under that heading. For information on CCD student fees, refer to CCD Student Fees. Please note tuition, fees, supply and program costs are an estimate and subject to change without notice.

The following courses have additional fees: 

DEH 1001, DEH 1002, DEH 1004, DEH 1026, DEH 1070, DEH 1071, DEH 2070, DEH 2071

View the 2024-2025 Course Specific Fees

Additional Program Costs include

Costs are subject to change without notice. The fees listed are estimates only. Variations may occur without being posted on this website. This information is meant for planning purposes only.

YEAR 1  
Magnifying Loupes (estimate only)$1,200 - $1,500
Student Kit*$3,550
OTHERClinic Usage Fee, Malpractice Insurance (estimated fall/spring semester)$544
Student Chapter of the American Dental Hygienists' Association (SCADHA)$65
Uniforms (scrubs, lab coats, stethoscope, and other related items)$300

*The student kit and uniforms will be ordered during the summer semester. Do not purchase these items on your own as the dental hygiene program has already made the necessary arrangements. The student kit and clinic scrubs should last throughout the course of study.

YEAR 2  
OTHERClinic Usage Fee, Malpractice Insurance (estimated summer/fall/spring semester charge)$900
Student Chapter of the American Dental Hygienists' Association (SCADHA)$65
Board Fees: National and Regional$2,000

Dental hygienists must hold a valid dental hygiene license specific to the state in which they wish to practice. Dental hygienists must comply with a specific state’s dental practice act. Rules and regulations pertaining to dental hygiene practice vary from state to state and must be obtained from the specific state dental board in which a dental hygienist wishes to practice.

Students graduating from CCD are eligible to take the National Board Dental Hygiene Exam (NBDHE) during their final semester in the program.  The NBDHE is a written examination that is accepted in all 50 states as one step in the licensure process.

An additional exam, a regional clinical exam, is also required for dental hygiene licensure. CCD currently serves as an examination site for the Central Regional Dental Testing Services (CRDTS) exam. This exam is accepted by the state of Colorado for dental hygiene licensure.

The Dental Hygiene program is eligible for federal financial aid.

Your first step is to connect with the Financial Aid office to discover how you can afford college. Our dedicated staff and support services help you wade through all the legal language and get you past the first hurdle to completing your educational goals.

In addition, CCD has $1,000,000 available in scholarships. Learn More!

The A.A.S. degree seamlessly transfers to CCD's Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) in Dental Hygiene program. The BAS is a degree completion program which allows licensed dental hygienists who have graduated from an A.S. or A.A.S. program to expand their career opportunities. 

To learn more about CCD’s B.A.S. in Dental Hygiene program visit the CCD BAS Program page.

Students enrolled in the A.A.S. dental hygiene program will experience enrichment rotations in various safety net/public health dental clinics in the Denver metro and surrounding areas. Students visiting these enrichment sites, as required by the program for course credit, must comply with all federal, state, local and facility regulations to ensure their health and safety as well as those other health providers and patients that they will be working with during the enrichment experience.

What Can I Do with My Major?

Dental hygienists are licensed preventive oral health professionals who provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services in dentistry. They can be employed in a variety of settings once they have been licensed through national and state examinations.

How Much Can I Expect to Earn?

After you have completed the dental hygiene program at CCD (63 credits) and required prerequisites (28 credits), CCD dental hygiene graduates earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree and are ready to take the licensure exams to become a registered dental hygienist. This opens the door for to work in a private dental practice, community dental health clinic, public school, clinical or basic science research laboratory, state or federal health facility, or in a management position with an entry wage of $35 to $45 per hour.

As of May 2020, the median annual wage for dental hygienists was listed at $89,890 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook.

The Dental Hygiene Curriculum includes two years of study. At the conclusion of study, students will earn 63 credits and have a total of 91 credits, including the prerequisite courses. View the Dental Hygiene Curriculum to learn more about the classes you will take.

During the two years of study, students are required to attend school in person for all clinical courses and labs. Classroom coursework is provided through a variety of delivery methods, including face-to-face/live instruction and remote online learning. Students are required to be available to attend school Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the possibility of evening classes or clinics.

Once accepted into the program, students begin to study part-time during the summer session of their acceptance year. The full-time study begins in the fall of the acceptance year and continues for two years, including a summer session between the first and second years of study. Students are also expected to maintain their clinical schedule and recruit patients as needed to fulfill program requirements.

Total of 2020 GraduatesTotal Students Employed in their Field of StudyTotal Students Who Have Transferred to 4-Year Degree or Other Institution

The A.A.S. degree seamlessly transfers to CCD's B.A.S. program in dental hygiene. Learn more here.

Apply to the Program
Application Cycles

Applications will be reviewed from August 1 - December 15.

The application cycle is now open. Please read the application materials section below for instructions and necessary materials before applying.

Steps to a Successful Enrollment

Admission to the dental hygiene program is very competitive, and the number of applicants always exceeds the number of positions available. Information is provided below regarding the application review, acceptance criteria, and other information about the program.

The dental hygiene program is limited to the number of students it may admit to each class based on the size of the clinical facilities. Minimum criteria are established to be eligible for placement in the applicant pool and must be met by the application deadline of December 1. Meeting the minimum criteria for selection does not guarantee admission to the dental hygiene program. The final selection will be made using the 100-point system, which takes into account the criteria listed above. There is no waitlist, and the applicant pool is determined on a year-by-year basis.

 *Individuals completing prerequisite classes during the application semester must show proof of the course in progress through submission of an unofficial transcript at the time of application. Once final grades have been rendered for in-progress courses, an updated copy of the unofficial transcript must be sent to the dental hygiene program to complete the application.

Each year, CCD’s dental hygiene program receives more applications than there are available student spaces. Each application is carefully reviewed using a 100-point scale and the following criteria.

The Community College of Denver’s Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Dental Hygiene program is designed for those who wish to become a dental hygienist. It is a unique blend of academic and clinical coursework that requires attention to detail, motivation to succeed, and the ability to complete tasks within a specific timeframe. Through its science and clinic-based curriculum, students learn the educational, clinical, and communication skills necessary to become a valued member of the dental team.

Applications to the Dental Hygiene Program are accepted once a year between August and December. One class is accepted each year, and study begins part-time in the summer semester following application and acceptance. The full-time study begins during the fall semester following application and continues for five semesters.

To prepare to apply to the AAS Dental Hygiene program, applicants must complete eight (8) prerequisite classes (four (4) science classes and four (4) general education classes). All prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the application semester in order to be eligible for application. The science classes must have been taken within seven years of the planned start of the program and, when averaged, have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Science prerequisite classes:

  • BIO 2101 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
  • BIO 2102 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
  • BIO 2104 - Microbiology
  • CHE 1009 - General, Organic & Biochemistry (CHE 1011 and 1012 will compensate for CHE 1009)

The four (4) general education classes are good for a lifetime and must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

General education classes:

  • ENG 1021 - English Composition (ENG 1022 will compensate for ENG 1021)
  • PSY 1001 - General Psychology I (PSY 1002, 2221, or 2440 will compensate for PSY 1001)
  • SOC 1001 - Introduction to Sociology (ANT 1001, SOC 2018 will compensate for SOC 1001)
  • COM 1150 - Public Speaking (COM 1250 or 1260 will compensate for COM 1150)

To verify the classes have been completed and to provide proof of grades for GPA calculation and credits by semester, unofficial copies of all transcripts containing prerequisite courses must be submitted with the application. Courses that have been taken more than once will be averaged if taken within two years of each other.

If planning to apply, applicants must complete the Admission Test for Dental Hygiene (ATDH), which is only offered in spring and fall windows. Please follow the link for dates and times. The score from this aptitude exam will be used in the evaluation of the application to the Dental Hygiene program. To register for the exam, applicants should visit the website Admission Test for Dental Hygiene to learn more and register to take the exam.

There will be other documents that must be submitted or paperwork completed as part of the application process. Be prepared to provide the following additional items with your application.

  • Application Essay - Applicants will choose one of two writing prompts and provide a typewritten response.
  • Two Dental Hygienist Interviews - Applicants will conduct an interview with two (2) dental hygienists and provide a summary of each interview.
  • Signed Notification of Estimated Program Expenses
  • Signed Notification of Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens

All applicants to the CCD Dental Hygiene program must apply and be accepted to the Community College of Denver prior to submitting a separate selective admission application to the Dental Hygiene program. During the CCD application process, applicants will establish their residency status and document their demographic/life experiences. These demographic/life experiences are evaluated during the application review to the dental hygiene program and include the following.

  • First-generation college student
  • Non-Traditional student (over age 50, GED recipient, single parent)
  • Underrepresented minority
  • DACA, DREAMer, ASSET, Undocumented
  • A resident of a rural location identified as a home/permanent address verified by federal, state, or county data

To see how each application is evaluated, visit our Application Review section to learn more.

All applicants must complete a criminal background check and drug screening before being offered an opportunity to interview for the program. Applicants who meet the minimum GPA criteria will be provided information on how to complete this step once all applications have been received and reviewed. 

Application Review Criteria and Points

Science GPA10
General Education GPA5

Prior Education Credits

  • >28 credits and/or Bachelor's degree or higher complete
  • Deduction for retaking a prerequisite course (1 point per class: maximum 2-point loss)

Credit load/semester ->  12 credits/semester

  • GPA range and Points
  • 3.5 - 4.0 =25 points
  • 3.0 - 3.499 = 22 points
  • 2.5 - 2.999 = 19 points
  • < 2.499 = 16 points

Credit load/semester - <  11 credits/semester

  • GPA range and points
  • 3.5 - 4.0 = 23 points
  • 3.0 - 3.499 = 20 points
  • 2.5 - 2.999 = 17 points
  • < 2.499 = 16 points

Demographic/Life Experiences

  • First-generation college student
  • Non-traditional student
  • Military service
  • Underrepresented minority
  • DACA, DREAMer, ASSET, Undocumented
  • Rural Resident
Admissions Test for Dental Hygiene (ATDH)up to 15
Written Prompt Response4
Two Dental Hygienist Interviews5
Colorado Residency3
Applicant Interview (by invitation only)20
Total Points100

Following review, background check, drug screening, and interview, scores are tallied, and the highest-scoring forty (40) individuals are offered a position within the dental hygiene class. The next ten (10) individuals are offered alternate status. If, for any reason, someone chooses not to accept their position in the class, the next highest-scoring individual from the alternate list is offered a position in the class.

A criminal background check and drug screening are required and must be completed before being offered an opportunity to interview for the program. Applicants who meet the minimum GPA criteria will be provided information on how to complete this step in January once all applications have been reviewed. 

Please note that this application requires a CCD S Number to access; you must have already applied to and been accepted by the Community College of Denver and have a current S Number to apply.  The application is only open between August and December of every year. These materials are for reference and are subject to change.

Apply to CCD if you are not a current student.

Please read all application instructions and information to ensure your application is complete. 

We encourage you to download the application checklist and ensure that you have all your materials gathered prior to starting the online application.  Once your application is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. Please keep this email for your records in case of problems with the application process.

  • Application Check List (please ignore the directive to change your program of study to AGS)
  • Prerequisite Course List Form
  • Dental Hygienist Interview Form (two interviews required)
  • Register for and take ATDH (Admission Test for Dental Hygiene)
  • Biographical Profile*
  • Estimated Program Expenses Form (only available during application window)
  • Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Form
  • Written Prompt Response* - Applicants will choose ONE of the following prompts and provide a typewritten 500-word response using 12 pt. font and 1-inch margins. The writing sample will be evaluated for content, organization, language use, structure, grammar, and mechanics. We feel it is important for individuals to provide a written response to assess the individual’s writing skills and ability to communicate effectively, as this is important in practice and as a dental hygiene professional.
    • Prompt 1: Conflict Resolution Describe a situation in which you were in direct conflict with someone – a colleague, patient, or fellow student. Address your feelings at the time, how they impacted the situation, and how you were able to resolve the conflict.
    • Prompt 2: Community Service Activity & Summary Describe your participation in a minimum of two volunteer activities, demonstrating at least 4 hours of active involvement for each session. Describe your experiences and the impact on you personally. 


*Writing Sample and Biosketch Rubric