As of July 1, 2011, all colleges must provide students with contact information for filing complaints in each state, including states in which students are enrolled in online courses. Please see below for the information to file a student complaint with the appropriate accrediting body.
State | Link to Agency | Phone |
Alabama | Alabama Commission on Higher Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 334.242.1998 |
Alaska | Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 800.441.2962 |
Arizona | Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education | 602.542.5709 |
Arkansas | Arkansas Department of Higher Education | 501.371.2000 |
California | Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education | 916.431.6959 or 888.370.7589 |
Colorado | Colorado Department of Higher Education | 303.866.2723 |
Connecticut | State of Connecticut Department of Higher Education Forms are available. | 860.947.1800 |
Delaware | Delaware Department of Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 302.735.4120 or 800.292.7935 |
District of Columbia | Office of the State Superintendent of Education | 202.727.6436 |
Florida | Florida Department of Education | 888.224.6684 or 850.245.3200 |
Georgia | Georgia Department of Education | 404.656.2800 or 800.311.3627 |
Hawaii | Office of Consumer Protection Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs | 808.586.2630 |
Idaho | Idaho State Department of Education | 800.432.4601 or 208.332.6800 |
Illinois | Institutional Complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) | 217.782.2551 |
Indiana | Indiana Commission for Higher Education | 317.464.4400 |
Iowa | Iowa College Student Aid Commission Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 877.272.4456 |
Kansas | Kansas Board of Regents | 785.296.4917 |
Kentucky | Kentucky Department of Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 502.564.2002 or 866.538.7435 |
Louisiana | Louisiana Board of Regents Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 225.342.4253 |
Maine | Maine Department of Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 207.624.6600 |
Maryland | Maryland Higher Education Commission Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 410.767.3301 or 800.974.0203 |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Department of Education | 617.994.6950 |
Michigan | Michigan Department of Education | 517.373.3324 |
Minnesota | Minnesota Office of Higher Education | 651.642.0567 or 800.657.3866 |
Mississippi | Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 601.432.6372 |
Missouri | While the Missouri Department of Higher Education does require students to pursue resolution through institutional processes—which are required as part of the licensure standards—the department does maintain a process for the review of student complaints at licensed schools. Information about that process is not currently available from the department's website but is distributed to students upon request. | 800.473.6757 |
Montana | Montana University System Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 406.444.6570 |
Nebraska | Nebraska Department of Education Not available online. | 402.471.2295 |
Nevada | Commission on Postsecondary Education | 702.486.7330 |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire Department of Education Complaints regarding non-compliance with agency New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules. Made to Executive Director of the Commission. | 603.271.3494 |
New Jersey | State of New Jersey Higher Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 609.292.4310 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Higher Education Department Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 505.476.8400 |
New York | New York State Education Department | 518.474.2593 |
North Carolina | If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution's grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the following office: Post-Secondary Education Complaints, c/o Assistant Director of Licensure and Workforce Studies, University of North Carolina General Administration, 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515. The student may contact UNC General Administration for further details. | 919.962.4558 |
North Dakota | Department of Career and Technical Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 701.328.3180 |
Ohio | Ohio Department of Education Not available online. | 614.995.1545 or 877.644.6338 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 405.225.9100 |
Oregon | Oregon Department of Education Not available online. | 503.947.5600 |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Department of Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 717.783.6788 |
Puerto Rico | For IHEs' go to PRCHE - Chapter XIII: COMPLAINTS - Article 87 - Page Number 113 For other postsecondary non degree granting go to PRGEC - Article 3.4 (in Spanish): Education Commission of the States | 303.299.3636 |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Board of Governors of Higher Education Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 401.456.6000 |
South Carolina | South Carolina Commission on Higher Education | 803.737.2260 |
South Dakota | South Dakota Board of Regents Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 605.773.3455 |
Tennessee | Tennessee Higher Education Commission Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 615.741.3605 |
Texas | Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 512.427.6101 |
Utah | Utah Division of Consumer Protection | 801.530.6601 or 800.721.SAFE |
Vermont | State of Vermont Department of Education | 802.828.5101 |
Virginia | State Council of Higher Education for Virginia | 804.371.2285 |
Washington | Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board | 360.753.7800 |
West Virginia | West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Link not found for complaint process. General link provided. | 304.558.2101 |
Wisconsin | State of Wisconsin Educational Approval Board | 608.266.1996 |
Wyoming | Wyoming Department of Education | 307.777.6210 |