INST-28 & PRO-46

Parts of Term Guideline & Form

The parts of term (POT) for each semester are created so that students have course schedules designed to maximize their ability to succeed.

These POT have been reviewed under federal and accreditation guidelines and serve to provide all available options for the majority of courses offered at CCD. It is expected that faculty members and office managers will make every attempt to find an existing POT that will meet the learning requirements of the courses within their center.

Occasionally, a special POT must be created to accommodate a learning innovation or partnership. This form below (PR_46) will be used to grant those approvals. The Office of the Provost will not create a POT without this form.

The purpose of this guideline (INST-28) is to provide clear direction on how POT is established at Community College of Denver.

Please note, the Part of Term Guidelines are currently under revision.


Last modified
July 24, 2019