Student Conduct & Support

Reporting Guide

Our office strives to assist faculty, staff, and the entire college community with students in distress. Student behavior issues need to be addressed by the college as a whole in order to provide a consistent, equitable, and transparent process. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Student Code of Conduct and follow the procedures already in place to guide you.

In Case of an Emergency Call 911 or Auraria Police, 303.556.5000

How & What to Report

Step 1.

Pick the type of report you are submitting:

Please note that our database no longer supports Internet Explorer, you will need to open the report in a browser other than Internet Explorer.

Step 2.

Fill out all sections of the report you selected.

Step 3.

When writing in the narrative section, please write in the third person (i.e. refer to yourself by your name, and other people by their names). Please include any direct quotes you remember. If applicable, you do not need to censor the profane language.

Step 4.

Make sure to list your correct contact information as someone from our office will likely contact you in the next few business days to follow up on the report. 

Related Policies & Information

CCD Student Grievance Policy
CCD Student Discipline Policy
Discrimination and Harassment Procedures