Advocacy and Support


Peer Advocacy and Resilience Coaches (PARC)

PARCs are work-study students dedicated to helping you build resilience and increase your ability to cope with stressful and traumatic events. Our students receive special certification through the National Institute for Human Resilience at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. We define Resilience as “shifting from a state of reactivity to one of resourcefulness in times of stress and crisis.”

What that really means is when we get stressed it's easy to shut down but when we're shut down we're not able to see all our options. Building resilience isn't about being "ok" with systems of oppression or trauma - it's about reclaiming control in the face of those things and using all the tools available to us. We understand school can be stressful by itself but we also recognize that students are dealing with a lot of stress outside of school too.

Our Peer Mentors & Resilience Coaches want to make sure you can flex your resiliency muscles and are here to support you in making decisions that are right for you and your academic work. So if you're feeling stressed, shut down, or just need some support finding resources on campus/in the community, please schedule an appointment with our team.

KEYS Program for Displaced Homemakers

The KEYS program provides support and services to displaced homemakers to become self-sufficient. KEYS is committed to empowering displaced homemaker through education and employment, to enter or re-enter the workforce with the goal of becoming economically self-sufficient. To learn more about the KEYS program and to see if you qualify please visit the KEYS homepage.