Office of the President

Study Finds an Impressive Economic Impact of CCD

Female CCD Student
For more than 50 years, Community College of Denver (CCD) has been creating a significant positive impact on the business community and has generated a return on investment to its major stakeholder groups — students, taxpayers, and society.

A recent study, "Analysis of the Economic Impact and Return on Investment of Education: The Economic Value of Community College of Denver," touts CCD's impressive impact.

The results of this study demonstrate that CCD creates value from multiple perspectives. The college benefits local businesses by increasing consumer spending in the region and supplying a steady flow of qualified, trained workers into the workforce. It enriches the lives of students by raising their lifetime earnings and helping them achieve their individual potential. It benefits state taxpayers through increased tax receipts across the state and reduces the demand for government-supported social services. Finally, it benefits society as a whole in Colorado by creating a more prosperous economy and generating a variety of savings through the improved lifestyles of students.

View Full Economic Impact Study
Over their working lives, CCD’s FY 2015-16 student population will increase Colorado’s economic base by 2.3 billion.
For Every $1 Spent ...
$4.90 Gained in Lifetime Earnings for Students
$10.60 Gained in Added Taxes & Public Sector Savings for Taxpayers
$19.30 Gained in Added Stated Revenue & Social Savings for Society


Top Industries Impacted by CCD
IndustryTotal Income (Millions)Jobs
Health Care & Social Assistance$36.2828
Accommodation & Food Services$34.7760
Professional & Technical Services$21.8311
Government, Non-Education$16.8202
Management of Companies & Enterprises$14.1100
All Other Industries$114.82,153
Total Impact$238.44,354

 The third-party analysis was conducted by Economic Modeling Specialists International (Emsi) and published in May 2017.