Student Conduct & Support

Experiencing Conflict?

Working through Conflict

The Office of Student Conduct (OSC) provides a variety of options designed to assist in conflict resolution in order to create a supportive, safe, and inclusive environment. OSC is NOT designed to be an advocacy center — we DO, however, provide coaching for students working through conflict.

Contact Us

Office of Student Conduct | Tivoli Student Union, Room 243 | 303.352.3205
Director of Student Conduct and Support at

Please Call 303.352.3205 and Make an Appointment.

Appointments are at your convenience (e-mail, phone, or in-person) and can be scheduled in advance or on a “drop-in” basis if we are available. These informal conversations are to provide you with information and to empower you with multiple options to respond to a conflict. Meeting with OSC does not obligate you to submit a complaint, participate in the resolution process, or discuss the details of your conflict.

OSC offers a variety of services that can be useful for conflicts with roommates, friends, or other students within a classroom. OSC uses a range of tailored approaches that promote peaceful conflict resolution such as facilitated dialogue, shuttle negotiation, and mediation.

OSC offers services that may be useful for some conflicts between students and faculty/staff members. A one-on-one conflict coaching session between you and an OSC staff member may be helpful in exploring various approaches to a particular conflict. Other resources for conflicts with faculty members are academic deans or program chairs in the faculty member’s academic unit, as well as facilitated dialogue. 

  • Consider conflict coaching if you are interested in meeting with an OSC staff member to explore constructive ways to approach conflict on your own.
  • Consider facilitated dialogue if you are interested in having a conversation with another person/group of people and need a facilitator to help it be constructive.
  • Consider mediation if you prefer to talk directly to mediators who will communicate your needs and opinions to someone else on your behalf.
  • Consider shuttle negotiation if you have specific ideas for things you’d like to see worked out, without having to deal with the other person involved.

Conflict Resolution

  • Step 1. Identify the Conflict
  • Who or what are you upset or frustrated with?
  • Step 2. Identify the Reasons behind the Conflict
  • How did it get to this point?
    • Be sure to look at all possibilities, even if it is partially your fault.
  • Step 3. All Parties Involved Discuss Solutions
  • Discuss appropriate, effective solutions to the conflict.
    • Be sure to talk in a private, neutral location.
  • Step 4. Agree on a Solutions
  • All parties agree to a solution. Make it a Win-Win.
By following the steps above, you will reach a meaning full solution that benefits all parties involved. Well done!

Restorative justice is a proven conflict resolution model that holds individuals accountable without an emphasis on shame. Restorative Justice seeks to analyze the harm caused by an individual or group and work collectively within a representative group to figure out a remedy for repairing the harm that was caused. This generally looks like a circle of individuals in open dialogue and figuring out how to move forward. Restorative justice is only effective if the alleged takes full responsibility and seeks to remedy the negative effects of their action(s).

Important Tools for You to Consider

 Student Conduct ProcessLegal / Criminal Justice System
FoundationFounded upon the values of the Community College of Denver’s Student Code of Conduct and college policies, which also include legal compliance. The code seeks to provide a safe and educational community that produces ethical and personally responsible students.Founded upon federal, state and local laws, which are imposed by the respective governments.
Level of EvidenceLevel of evidence necessary for a finding of "responsible": A "preponderance of evidence" is a showing that is is more likely than not that a violation occurred.

The “Rules of Evidence” do not apply in conduct hearings. The information that is reviewed by the hearing officer goes to credibility.

This standard of proof is not to be confused with the criminal standard of proof, which is beyond a reasonable doubt.
Level of evidence necessary for a finding of "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt": The “Rules of Evidence” apply to all criminal prosecutions.

When evidence is presented in a case, rules govern how different pieces of evidence can be used in a case.
Types of Evidence PermissibleAll evidence may be presented, including anonymous reports, hearsay, photographic evidence, etc. The reliability and accuracy of the evidence will be considered as part of the decision-making process.Strict rules of evidence apply. Evidence must be gathered, held and presented according to strict legal guidelines.
Retention of RecordsMaintained in perpetuity until the student is no longer affiliated with the College. However, with more serious cases, the records are kept up to seven (7) years after the student is no longer affiliated with the college.

Your conduct record will not follow you to another educational institution. However, there are some situations that are exceptions to this (i.e., Auraria Campus (if dismissed from one institution on campus, you are dismissed from all institutions on campus).
Records may be maintained in perpetuity.

Your criminal record will remain permanent. With the exception of some misdemeanors, in which you abide by the sentencing guidelines set forth by the judge. Felonies, however, remain on your criminal record and will appear on a background check.
Release of RecordsRecords are private and may be released only as outlined in the Family Education Records Privacy Act (FERPA).Records are public and may be viewed by anyone, except in cases that involve someone under the age of 18 (legal minor).
HearingsPrivate hearings or administrative meetings. Trained university hearing officers will conduct the meeting in a manner that is respectful to all involved. Family members and attorneys may be present during the meetings and hearings. However, they are only to serve as an advisor, not to assist you in your defense.Usually public hearings. Attorneys may actively participate in questioning, cross-examination, etc.

Read the CCD Student Code of Conduct to learn more or contact our office with any questions or concerns.

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