Student Conduct & Support

Other Expectations of CCD Students

Community College of Denver has policies and standards that help you know what to expect of CCD and what CCD expects of you. All CCD students need to be familiar with the rules and their own rights.

Check your CCCS Student email regularly, it is the official method of communication CCD uses.

Read your syllabi and pay attention to announcements your professor makes. Also, note it is likely that if you miss a class you are still responsible for finding out any announcements made during that session.  

Become familiar with these codes & policies:

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Student Grievance Policy
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
  • Immunization Policy
  • Colorado Community College System Policies
  • Auraria Higher Education Center Policies
  • Electronic Communications Policy: CCD has adopted a policy to guide usage of all forms of electronic communication, including e-mail, Internet services, voicemail, audio and video conferencing, and fax messages that are sent or received by faculty, staff, students, and other authorized users of CCD resources. In general, CCD provides various forms of electronic communication for teaching, learning, and college operations. All records created through the electronic communication equipment provided by CCD are the property of the College. People who are authorized to use email and voicemail provided by CCD may make personal use of those media, as long as there is no direct cost to the College. All electronic communication at CCD must meet the standards of conduct, laws, and regulations published in such official CCD, state, and federal documents as the CCD catalog, CCD Student Code of Conduct, any CCD faculty handbook, and the Colorado State Employees Handbook. CCD electronic communications may not be used for commercial purposes, e.g., to send copies of documents in violation of copyright laws, to transmit information that is restricted by laws or regulations, to intimidate, threaten, or harass other individuals, or to interfere with the ability of others to conduct CCD business, forge communication so it appears to be from someone else, to get unauthorized access to data, files, or other communication, to breach security measures in order to access electronically stored information in any way, or sending chain letters or jokes of any nature. CCD does not routinely monitor electronic communication, nor is e-mail backed up. Message contents are inspected only to protect health, safety or security. Still, the contents of email messages can be disclosed as a result of legal discovery writ, warrant or subpoena or as a result of a request under Colorado Open Records Law.
  • CCD Rights: CCD reserves the right to change provisions, requirements, and fees in the school catalog. Without notice, CCD may cancel any course or program, or change its content, description, timing, availability, location, academic credit, or any other aspect.

Know the relevant laws that impact your CCD experience, which include but are not limited to:

  • Family Education Rights & Privacy Act
  • Notice of Non-Discrimination
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAA): The Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended in 2008, prohibits discrimination based on disability in admission to, access to, and the operation of programs, services, or activities. The Community College of Denver (CCD) is committed to providing an environment where all students have the opportunity to attain educational goals. CCD provides both physical and programmatic access for all students. Reasonable accommodations, with appropriate documentation, can be provided to ensure access for all students. Questions, complaints, and requests for additional information may be directed to the Accessibility Center.
  • The Clery Act: The Clery Act (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act) is a federal statute that requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. A copy of the report is available online here. For a paper copy of this report, contact the Director of Student Conduct & Support 303.352.6445. An Auraria specific information is available online through Auraria Campus Police.  For more information about safety on campus please visit the CCD campus safety website.
  • Drug-Free Schools:  CCD cares about students’ health, safety, and academic success and has a long-standing commitment to proactively address high-risk drinking and substance use. Illegal use and abuse of alcohol or other drugs interferes with the academic learning process and places the health and safety of individuals and the campus community at risk. The Community College of Denver recognizes that substance abuse and dependence are treatable disorders.  The college encourages employees and students to utilize treatment services and referral resources to address these serious conditions.  In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act Amendment of 1989, it is against policy to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use alcohol or illicit drugs on college property or as part of college activities. Students and employees who engage in this are subject to criminal penalties under local, state, and federal law, as well as disciplinary action by the College. Like many colleges across the country, our goal is to improve academic success and the quality of student life on campus by increasing healthy lifestyles and reducing the harm associated with substance use. For information on substance abuse, contact the CCD Counseling Center (303.352.6436), Care Team (303.352.3205), or Auraria Student Health Center (PL 150, 303.615.9999).