Teaching Learning Center

Professional Development

The TLC provides professional development opportunities for faculty, instructors and staff.

Our emphasis is on effective teaching strategies, facilitative technologies, online learning, and creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

We offer:

  • Professional development in multiple modalities
  • Compensation for part-time instructors
  • Schedule of trainings updated every semester
  • Tailored trainings for groups and individuals

Workshops on Demand are trainings tailored for departments, centers, committees, and learning communities. Some common topics are student-centered teaching, assessment, instructional technology, and accessibility, but we are happy to facilitate training on any topic relative to your needs. Request a Workshop on Demand; or, for more information contact us at TLC@ccd.edu.

Taking a training online is a great way to get your professional development in an asynchronous environment and experience online learning from a student perspective. While some of our online offerings are self-paced, most of our online trainings have weekly discussion and assignment requirements. For specific training details, reach out to TLC@ccd.edu.

See the Sign Up for PD page for current offerings.

Learning Communities are small groups of faculty (and sometimes staff) who have a common goal. These communities provide a supportive environment for faculty to engage in innovative instructional practices that improve student learning outcomes and retention.

To approve your professional development event, please submit the Professional Development Request form one week prior to the event.