Prioritization Background, Part 5 - Updated May 1st
Overall Preliminary Timeline by Ex-Officio Committee Member Stephen Thomas

A Preliminary Timeline for the Work of This Committee Is as Follows

Updated May 1st, 2016

**We are a dedicated body of people who are doing the best we can to accommodate the needs of the college faculty/staff. As such, this is an organic work in progress, and this timeline (and
other pieces) are subject to change throughout the prioritization process. The asterisks below reflect areas that have been updated.

  • Spring 2016 – A prioritization committee is formed and develops a plan to include agreed-upon criteria for reviewing all college programs (both academic programs and student support and administrative support programs), a report template and guidelines for program “owners” to develop reports, and a detailed timeline for when reports will be submitted and reviewed.
  • Early Fall 2016 – Reports will be written by program “owners” in response to the template and guidelines.
  • Late Fall 2016 – Program reports will be reviewed by a team of reviewers (to be determined by the prioritization committee), and recommendations will be given to the President and Executive Council with the aim of implementation in AY 17-18.
  • Early Spring 2017 – the President and Executive Council will review recommendations and provide a response and plan of action for implementation.

Breakdown of Timeline

  • Organizational Phase (Now – May 31, 2016)
    • ASB develops a plan to include agreed-upon criteria for reviewing all college programs (both academic programs and student support and administrative support programs), a report template and guidelines for program “owners” to develop reports, and a detailed timeline for when reports will be submitted and reviewed.
  • **Data Collection Phase (June 1, 2016 – September 30, 2016)
    • Centralized data collection by IR and Fiscal Services of standard data sets needed for report templates
    • Reports completed by program owners in response to the template and guidelines.
    • This phase has been extended to accommodate faculty and staff during the busy opening of fall semester.
  • **Analysis and Assessment Phase (October 1, 2016 - October 31, 2016)
    • Program reports will be reviewed by a team of reviewers (to be determined by the prioritization committee)
    • This phase has been shortened.
  • Recommendation Phase (November 1, 2016 - December 12, 2016)
    • Based on outcome of review process, recommendations will be developed for the president and executive Staff with the aim of implementation in AY 17-18.
  • Decision-Making Phase (Dec 12, 2016 – February 10, 2017)
    • The president and executive staff will review recommendations and provide a response and plan of action for implementation

This is a tentative breakdown of the schedule created by the Progress Plan Sub-Committee. With this process being detailed and requires faculty and staff involvement, we understand that some dates/deadlines my shift as we progress.

To do this process well, it is critical that we proceed in an inclusive, collaborative, and transparent manner. All stakeholders at the College will have an opportunity to provide input along the way, and this is why we have nominated a steering committee that is broadly representative of the college as a whole.


Additional Articles on This Topic

Prioritization Background, Part 1 - Definitions and Rationale

Prioritization Background, Part 2 - History

Prioritization Background, Part 3 - About the Committee

Prioritization Background, Part 4 - Values