Beth Justice
Sales & Marketing Manager
Colorado’s Statewide Internet Portal Authority
AA Business, 2003-06
An interesting thing happens the day you realize that your income and career trajectory is limited by your education. For Beth Justice, this realization came after having been in the workforce for 10 years. “I was in a full-time position but was missing out on the opportunity for advancement because I didn’t have a college degree,” said Justice. Any future promotions within her organization were resting on her ability to overcome a fear; Could she gain the confidence required to attend college while working full time, coupled with her added responsibilities as a wife and mother? Step by step. Justice weighed each decision by following her gut.
Non-traditional students like Justice—those who start or return later in life with skill, knowledge and experience from the workplace—have unique obstacles to overcome. “You have very low confidence when you’re in your thirties and starting a degree, and easily fall back on the thought that maybe you’re not ready,” she said. But Justice found that readiness happens when you take those initial steps to first find the institution that feels like the right fit, then working closely with the staff that are there to help guide your journey.
“My advisor at CCD was amazing,” Justice said. “She was welcoming, informative and encouraging, and this helped me see the path I needed to take to accomplish my educational goals. That was the deciding factor and the thing that helped me feel confident about overcoming my fears.”
With the support of her husband and daughter, Justice eased right into student life and the fears melted away as her confidence grew. As with most students who juggle home life, work life and student life, she became a master at time management—a skill she carries forward into her career life.
“CCD gave me acceptance and perspective that came at a very important time in my life and it definitely contributed to my current success.” Beth’s career continues to soar having worked for CU Denver, Denver’s Chamber of Commerce and Colorado’s Statewide Internet Portal Authority.