Dear CCD Community,
All institutions on the Auraria Campus (Auraria Higher Education Center, Metropolitan State University Denver, University of Colorado Denver, and Community College of Denver) have announced the campus is moving to remote operations as of 6 p.m. today, May 17, 2024, until further notice. Buildings on campus will be restricted to badge access for critical personnel essential for on-campus-only functions.
For CCD, this means we will return to fully remote operations for our Auraria Campus employees. I encourage everyone to stay connected through our online platforms and utilize the resources available to support your continued learning and work responsibilities.
It is incredibly disappointing to return to fully remote operations again. The safety and well-being of our community members have always been my top priority, and it is important to maintain an environment where everyone is secure.
While it is disheartening that the situation has escalated to this point, it underscores the need for stronger inter-agency and inter-institutional coordination. As the circumstances surrounding the encampment and related demonstrations on the Auraria Campus have evolved, we have learned that together, we are stronger.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please continue to monitor your emails and our official communication channels for any updates or further instructions.
Stay safe and take care of yourselves.
Dr. Marielena DeSanctis
Community College of Denver