CCD Student Diana Freyta is grateful to honor the high value her family has always placed on higher education. Read her story here.
One CCD Student’s Journey Finding Her Artistic Expression
CCD students DJ Lynch & Kelci Brady are profiled as they complete their educational goals. Read more.
Jamie Ridener was so inspired by the care she received as a child that she decided to follow in her nurse's footsteps and is now enrolled in CCD's Integrated Nursing Pathways Program to become a nurse herself.
Recently selected as an E3! Ambassador for the 2015-2016 White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Program (AAPI), Situmeang will soon be headed to Seattle, Washington where the Initiative’s AAPI office is located. Read her story here.
On March 11th, two CCD students and members for the Honor Society Phi Betta Kappa will be honored for their hard work and dedication.
Twenty-two-year-old Sierra Montoya’s career is on an upward trajectory. Read her story.