CCD Foundation Awards Over $270,000 to Deserving Scholars in Fall 2023
New and Returning Scholars Celebrated in a Year of Generosity and Growth

The Community College of Denver Foundation (CCD Foundation) is proud of the remarkable success of its Fall 2023 scholarship awards program, reflecting a commitment to educational excellence and fostering a bright future for CCD students. This fall, the CCD Foundation awarded a total of 235 scholarships, amounting to an impressive $270,000. The Foundation also welcomed several newly named scholarship donors, expanding the pool of resources available to support aspiring scholars.

Foundation Scholars Shine Bright

A total of 212 students were honored as "Foundation Scholars," marking a momentous achievement for both the scholarship recipients and the CCD Foundation. These dedicated students have demonstrated academic excellence, ambition, and determination, making them worthy recipients of this award.

A Significant Impact

The CCD Foundation has made a substantial impact on the lives of students by awarding a grand total of 235 scholarships in the Fall 2023 semester. The financial support provided by the Foundation is not just a boost to the recipients' education but also a testament to CCD's commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of learning and growth. To date, the CCD Foundation has awarded over $270,000 in scholarships, a milestone that underscores the significant investment in the education and future of CCD students.

Gratitude to Scholarship Donors

The CCD Foundation acknowledges that these remarkable achievements would not have been possible without the invaluable support of its scholarship donors. The generosity of these organizations and individuals has made a profound impact on the lives of countless students. The CCD Foundation extends its heartfelt thanks to the following scholarship donors who have made a difference in the lives of aspiring scholars:

  • American GI Forum
  • Anschutz Foundation
  • Assistance League Denver
  • CCCS Foundation and its supporters
  • Dr. Chris Budden
  • Colorado Women's Bar Association Foundation
  • COSI
  • Dr. Everette Freeman Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Denver Scholarship Foundation
  • Dream US Scholarship Fund
  • Edward Romero Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Francie Anhut Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Freda Roof
  • Hide in Plain Sight
  • Hord Coplan Macht
  • Mexican Consulate in Denver
  • Kelly Anne Dunn Memorial Scholarship Donors
  • Kingdom Enlightenment
  • Mel Carter Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Metropolitan Dental Care
  • OCA Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Herbert & Judy Paige Foundation
  • PEO Chapter GP
  • Prinsen Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • United Concordia Dental
  • Wana Brands Foundation

The CCD Foundation salutes these donors for their unwavering commitment to the education and future of CCD students.

Looking Forward

As the fall semester progresses, the CCD Foundation remains dedicated to supporting students and encouraging them to reach for their dreams. The Foundation also invites students to explore the various institutional and foundation scholarships available, opening doors to countless opportunities. For more information on scholarships at CCD, students can visit the list of institutional and foundation scholarships on the CCD website. Additionally, for those seeking financial aid or more information, the CCD Foundation and Financial Aid Office are available for assistance.

In Fall 2023, the CCD Foundation's commitment to education and nurturing talent has never been stronger. With the support of generous scholarship donors and a growing number of scholars, the CCD Foundation continues to be a beacon of hope for aspiring students, helping them achieve their dreams and create a brighter future.

For more information about CCD scholarships, please visit the CCD Scholarship page.

For more information about paying for college, please visit the Paying for College page.

For further inquiries, please contact the CCD Foundation or the Financial Aid Office.