Pictured are Kaitlin Kuka, Jennifer Allen, Adrian Roybal, Nicholas Seaman, Pwint Suu and Wendy McNeace. (Not pictured, but also graduating were Miriam Cavender, Edith Madera, Sophia Mayen, Rebekah Nelson, Molly Park, Alexis Ruben and Loretta Trujillo.)
On May 26th, thirteen students graduated from the CU College of Nursing with their BSN degrees. Eight of the students graduated with honors.
These 13 students started in CCD's Integrated Nursing Pathway (INP) program to complete the first two years and then transferred to CU. After a lot of hard work, dedication and study they are now nurses. Congratulations!!
Want to see yourself here in four years? Learn about CCD's INP program at CCD.edu/INP.