Q & A with Brian Weaver
Meet Brian Weaver – Adjunct Professor of Communication


Degrees and Certificates

  • Bachelor of Arts - Human Communication Studies
  • Master of Arts - Curriculum and Instruction | University of Denver
  • Professional Teacher of Speech Communication, CDE

Professional Organizations

  • Colorado Academy of Educators of the Gifted
  • Talented and Creative
  • State Advisory Committee for Gifted
  • Talented Education Congressional District 1
  • Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented

Q & A

What do you do at CCD?

I am an adjunct professor of Communication

What awards have you received?

  • Denver Public Schools Excellence in Team 2014
  • Denver Public Schools Excellence in Customer Service 2015 and 2016

What do you enjoy most about your work?

My students!

When you’re not working, what do you do?

Hang out with my family

What moment at CCD stands out as the most memorable?

Walking through campus and having students joyfully call out to me from all sides!

Who had the greatest influence on your education and/or career path?

Adam Glick, CCD Communication Chair

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

"Go be an expert, Brian."

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner and why?

Lucille Ball, Dolly Parton and Mahatma Gandhi because I've always been fascinated with comedic, musical and philosophical royalty!

What or who can’t you live without?

My son, even though he gives me a hard time a lot!