Q & E with Elizabeth Simmons
Meet Elizabeth L. Simmons, Ph.D. - Professor of Historical Geology and Colorado History


Degrees and Certificates

  • Bachelor of Arts | Allegheny College
  • Master of Arts | Bowling Green State University
  • Doctorate | Union Institute and University

Professional Organizations

  • Colorado Scientific Society
  • Florissant Scientific Society
  • Friends of Dinosaur Ridge     
  • Denver Gem and Mineral Guild
  • Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies (president)

What do you do at CCD?

I teach Historical Geology and Colorado History online

What awards have you received?

Colorado International Film Festival, 1st Place Documentary, many others from Friends of Dinosaur Ridge, Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Opening students' eyes to the world around them through natural history and Colorado history.

When you’re not working, what do you do?

I work at other jobs, groom my beautiful pussy cat, feed my horses and tend to things on my “ranchette.”

Who had the greatest influence on your education and/or career path?

My instructors in college and graduate school.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Work, work, work.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner and why?

Hillary Clinton, Arthur Lakes and Chief Colorow

What or who can’t you live without?

My beautiful pussycat, Tommie