Q & A Mark Broyles
Meet Mark Broyles, Assistant Professor and Chair, Architectural Technology


Degrees & Certificates

  • Bachelor of Science – Architecture | University of Virginia
  • Master’s Degree – Architecture | University of Virginia

Q & A

What do you do for CCD?

In addition to chairing our emerging program in Architectural Technology, I teach AEC 104 Architectural Drawing Theory, AEC 123 Commercial Construction Drawing, AEC 125 History of Architecture, AEC 225 Architectural Design and Development, and CAD 115 SketchUp.

How long have you worked for CCD?

Two and a half years- one as Adjunct Faculty, and Chair and Assistant Prof since September 2014.

Prior Work Experience

35 years practicing as an architect and urban designer while living in Virginia, Washington, D.C., Seattle, London, and Colorado; experience includes residential design, college and university buildings, K-12 schools in the Front Range including designs for Denver Public Schools, Denver Union Station master plan team, Centre for Mathematical Sciences at University of Cambridge landscape design and master plan, Sutton Hoo National Trust Historic Site (UK) master plan, DC AIA Honor Award with Richard Chenoweth for Historic Preservation, 2001. Member of the American Institute of Architects and licensed architect in Colorado.

Do you speak any other languages?

High school French and a little Italian.

Do you have kids/pets?

Two daughters, 22 and 24; two sister cats that are 8 years old.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Hiking and recreational cycling, gardening, music (trumpet), Broncos fan, sketching and traveling.