Q & A with Rick Glesner
Meet Rick Glesner - Chair of Engineering Graphics/Mechanical Design


Degrees and Certificates

  • AAS in Drafting for Industry | Community College of Denver
  • CCD/ B.S.A.S.T Engineering Graphics |Thomas Edison State College
  • AutoCAD Certificate CCD / Certified Design Drafter - Post Secondary Training | American Drafting & Design International

Q & A

What do you do at CCD?

I manage the Engineering Graphics/CAD program and execute the standard chair duties.

What awards have you received?

Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Achievement Award, 2011

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Seeing students grow into professional Computer Aided Designers

When you’re not working, what do you do?

Play with cars (Audi/Porsche), ride my road bike as much as I can, once my left knee gets replaced I'm really looking forward to resuming my passion for alpine skiing

What moment at CCD stands out as the most memorable?

The first time I managed to keep the CAD program open and viable in the face of a movement on the part of management to close it in 2000

Who had the most influence on your education and/or career path?

It was me and my need to prove myself. I am the only member of my family (the baby boomer group) to have gone to college much less have a degree. Most of my old freestyle skiing friends are completely "gob-smacked" that I'm a full professor.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The answer is always no, if you don't ask.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner and why?

Edsel Ford (no he had nothing to do with that star-crossed car) as president of Ford Motor Company for over 20 years saw it all. In the history of FOMOCO, he is given very little credit. Henry seems to get it all.

What or who can’t you live without?

That’s simple; my wife, Betsy. To say we are soul mates is cliché but if there was a case to be made for the two of us… just ask how we met.

Please list any research interests.

I really would love to work with someone in the history side of the shop to build a class integrating that history with the growth of the industrial revolution in America and the world.

Do 3D models of Atlas 3AR/AS count? Didn't think so. CAD jocks just don't do that type of academic publishing.