Q & A with Joyce Buckland
Meet Joyce Buckland - Adjunct Instructor


Degrees & Certificates

  • Bachelor of Arts – History | Metropolitan State University
  • Master of Arts - U.S. and Early Modern Europe | University Colorado Denver
  • Certified Faculty Advisor

Q & A

headshot of female intructor
Meet Joyce Buckland - Adjunct Instructor

What do you do at CCD?

I instruct history courses. My specialty is U.S. West and Colorado, but also general U.S. and Western Civilization. We just launched the newly GT course, the American West, in spring 2016, which I proudly developed for CCD. 

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I love telling stories! Every day, I get to share knowledge and tales with my students and help them to grow and discover that history does not have to be that ‘old, boring class.’ The great thing is my students teach me new things every day as well.

When you’re not working, what do you do?

I love to spend time with my family (I am probably a crazy cat lady!) and explore new and out of the way places in our state. I especially love our wonderful hot springs! Also, fishing, road trips and I read A LOT!

What moment at CCD stands out as the most memorable?

The moment that stands out most is the day CCD asked me to join the faculty. I felt honored and humbled that my enthusiasm and abilities were recognized. Also, it sounds silly, but one of my classes got together and threw me a party to show their appreciation for me. It really touched my heart! I knew at that moment I have a chance to make a difference and that the job I do is important. Knowing my students has been such a privilege!    

Who had the greatest influence on your education and/or career path?

Walter Nelson at RRCC, who was the first to tell me I had value and that I could do it. Also, James Fell and Tom Noel for lighting my interest in the West, Laura McCall at Metro for showing me I can always be better and Cathy Dwyer who opened the door to my love for geography. Michael Mackey gave me confidence and William Ashcraft always has my back, and empowers me and what I do; he is the best supervisor/colleague I could ever ask for.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Never be jaded and give your all in what you do. Never give up, because you can do it, even if it takes awhile. Give yourself credit for making headway.

Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner and why?

Mary Magdalene because she made a mark when women were socially invisible and Grace O’Malley who did what needed doing and fought like a warrior regardless of her circumstances. Also, my parents and grandparents who planted the seed for my passion even though I didn’t know it then. Oops~That’s more than three!

What or who can’t you live without?

I can’t live without the Lord-every step of the way. Also, my daughter Erica who is a brilliant young woman and has my respect and my heart. And maybe jasmine milk tea; I love that stuff!

Please list any research interests.

Research interests include historic crime and murder, hot springs, ghost towns, the Civil War in the American West, preservation and heritage tourism, and history’s mysteries and the use of forensics in history.

Have you been published?

I have published many articles over the years and recently, I have done a couple of book reviews for Western Historical Quarterly. I am a contributor to the newly revised Colorado: a Historical Atlas, by Tom Noel (2015). I am in the early stages of research on a 1920 cold case murder in Boulder, Colorado, and I hope to write a book eventually about Colorado cold cases.

Please share something cool going on in your classroom.

Some of my students are looking into their personal family histories and incorporating it into their research- so wonderful! You cannot know where you are going until you know where you came from!