CCD graphic design student, Kristel Moore, recently completed a project designing a logo for Denver CAN (College Attainment Network). As part of a class assignment, Kristel and other students competed by submitting designs to graphic design program chair, John Kjos, dean for the Center of Arts and Humanities, Ruthanne Orihuela, and the DenverCAN staff, who then selected a winner out of the finalists.
Kristel joined CCD in 2013, returning to school after working in property management for several years. Prior to that, she earned a marketing degree from MSU Denver in 2007. In 2015, Kristel will graduate with a certificate in graphic design from CCD.
Denver CAN's vision is to build a world-class city by ensuring college and career success for all graduates of Denver Public Schools. They aim to "increase college attainment for graduates of DPS on the Auraria Campus and Emily Griffith Technical College through a multi-sector collaborative that connects resources and efforts." DenverCAN's collective impact network is comprised of more than 20 community-based organizations in addition to CCD, DPS, Emily Griffith Technical College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and University of Colorado Denver.
In creating the logo, Kristel said she reflected deeply about the mission and goals of DenverCAN, fueling her inspiration. “My idea was to visually demonstrate commitment to the educational success of DPS graduates with the arrow going upward. The D and C intertwining is a visual demonstration of the partnership with the (colleges).”