What Can an Information Interview Do for You?
CCD Helps You Get Ready for the Workforce

A recent CCD graduate, Timothy Curry starts at Colorado State University this fall to finish his degree in Graphic Design. Before he transferred, he sat down with the Career Development Center to determine what type of job or career he wanted to achieve after he finished his degree. While working with the CDC, Timothy got an opportunity to meet one-on-one with someone in the biz for an Information Interview.

Informational interviews take no more than 45 minutes and you can ask a professional in your area of interest specific questions to see if that career might be a good fit for you. CDC supplies you with some sample questions and help you to research the occupation before the interview starts.

Tim's Information Interview

young man with sunglasses smiles at the camera
CCD Recent Graduate, Timothy Curry

Mr. Curry sat down this Assistant Manager, Phil Satterley of Media Productions with NCM Media Networks. From the interview, Curry said he learned the following:

"NCM media is in Colorado and their main sponsors are Sony and Walt Disney. They are able to produce their ads by using a satellite and shooting the ads to multiple theatres across the country to mostly AMC Theatres. I never knew it took this much effort into putting an ad on the big screen. Not only that, but each step is not controlled by one person, but by a team of people.

I have to say I love the media business. I am thankful I received this opportunity to meet Phil Satterley and learn a lot about NCM media."

Get Started

This is not the only way the CDC gets you prepared for your career. Start the school year out right and visit with them to learn how you can do an Informational Interview and more.


Cherry Creek, Suite 111