Time Management: You will have to complete assignments on time and prepare for tests, the same as students who meet in person for classes. But without a regular in-person class schedule, you will need to take more responsibility for viewing lectures and learning new material. Many students find it beneficial to set their own regular "class" times throughout the week. Include time to review course materials (read a textbook, watch a lecture) and complete assignments before the due date.
Keeping up with class material also makes it easy to manage stress, which can affect both online and onsite students. Be proactive with studying and asking for help if you need it. Working steadily in a class is better than rushing to complete work at the last minute.
Communication: Reach out to the instructor when you have a question about your class, the online learning management system/technology, the course materials, or even about working in the field. Also let your instructors know when life gets in the way. If something happens that will impact your studies, contact your instructor and let them know you need help.
Build Community: You don’t need to have regular in-person contact in a building to build community. Make it a point to connect with other students in your course. Take time to get to know other people taking your online class. Offer to meet others virtually for study sessions or even to view lectures together and offer help to other students if you can.
Know Key Dates and How to Find Them
Do you know the last day to drop a class or withdraw? It is important to keep track of key dates for your courses. The key dates for each course may be different, so it is important to know what they are. Check your course syllabus for dates and deadlines.
Tutoring Can Help You Succeed
Tutoring is free as an enrolled student!
Are you having trouble completing an assignment or understanding a concept in an online course? Need to do research for a paper and not sure where to start? Do you need help reviewing a paper? Math, writing, and specific subject support like business, sciences, or history is available via tutoring.
Online: Free, accessible, and online tutoring is available. Brainfuse, a third-party partner, allows currently registered students to meet with a qualified tutor online at any hour of the day. You can find the BrainFuse link in D2L, under the Resources tab. Students are eligible for up to 5 hours of services per week, and it is available 24/7.
CCD has in person and virtual tutoring available for enrolled students that is free and proven to help students improve their grades. Visit the Excel Zone to learn more, make an appointment, and get assistance.
Students have access to online library resources including research databases, streaming video, e-books, research guides, and a 24/7 virtual reference desk that is staffed by human librarians.
The online library webpage can also be found in the Resources drop-down menu in D2L.
Students can also visit the Auraria Library for a combination of online, virtual, and in-person library services. Study rooms are also available to book if needed, and librarians are available to provide any assistance.
Make sure you have an academic plan that leads to your next step – whether that be a career or seamless transfer to one of our many four-year partner institutions. Need help making a plan, finding a career path, or learning about internships? Learn more about advising and career support, and don’t wait to make an appointment to make sure you are on the right track!
The Community College System of Colorado and all colleges are committed to ensuring accessibility. You can request these accommodations by meeting virtually or in person to learn about the college accommodations process. You should start this process as soon as you apply or enroll in courses as the process may take some time to determine how to best meet your needs. Visit CCD's Accessibility Center to review the process and make an appointment.
Students don’t need to apply separately for financial aid for online courses. If you qualify for financial aid at your college and your online course is a part of your degree program, it will qualify for financial aid. Please make sure you have filled out the FAFSA or CASFA and are regularly checking your Financial Aid status by logging into CCDConnect and regularly checking your CCD student email. You must complete a FAFSA or CASFA for each academic year – don’t leave money on the table!
You will need reliable access to a computer and the internet to access your online courses. While you could possibly do your course on a mobile device, like a phone, it will present challenges and could prevent you from being successful in your course.
Consider using headphones if accessing your course in a public setting. This not only allows you to focus on materials/recordings but minimizes disruption to others around you.
You will need a plan.
Will you borrow a computer? You may be able to get a loaner laptop from CCD or the local library, and there are often waitlists and limited supply. What is your plan if there are not any loaner computers? Can you go to the local library? What are the hours, and will that align with your schedule?
Make sure you have applied for financial aid – funds remaining from financial aid can be used to purchase laptops after tuition and fees have been covered.
Internet access assistance may be available in your local area. Wi-Fi access is available at CCD campuses and in CCD parking lots. Other resources, including Xfinity Internet Essentials may be helpful for low-cost internet and laptops.
Your local public library near you may also have resources for laptops or Wi-Fi. You may search for your closest public library in this statewide directory.
Log in to CCDConnect.
Not sure what your username or password is? Check out these helpful tips.
In CCDConnect, on the My Courses (D2L) card, select My Courses (D2L). Your ‘course shell’ will appear here by the first day the class starts.
D2L is short for Desire to Learn, and it is an online platform that all the community colleges in the Colorado Community College System use for online learning. Check out these videos and guides for help with D2L. It is important you are comfortable with how to use to D2L to be successful in your online course. If you have questions, please make sure you ask your instructor for assistance or so they can help you access help in understanding how to use D2L.
Need help with your password? Having trouble getting into your online course? Forgot your S#? Having technical problems? Contact our 24/7 technology help desk to get support now:
Contact the CCD Teaching Learning Center, Monday-Friday (8am - 5pm)
In most cases (not all) your course materials/textbooks are embedded in your online course at no additional cost. Community Colleges of Colorado are committed to utilizing Open Educational Resources (OER) to reduce costs for students whenever possible. Some courses may require you purchase an access code or you may need a lab kit for science courses. Visit the CCD Bookstore to know any required or recommended course materials for classes enrolled in, online or in person.
Please visit the Lab Kit FAQ for information on ordering lab kits.
Yuja is a tool that allows you to record videos for assignments. Ask your instructor if you have questions or if you need help and your instructor is not available, check out this tutorial.
Balancing life and school can be difficult. CCD has staff dedicated to help you navigate a wide variety of life’s challenges. Resources exist to provide proactive assistance, early intervention, and if needed, caring confrontation or conflict resolution to create a safe and healthy college community.
Emergency Mental Health (after hours or not near a college campus)
Counseling Services
Counseling is an important and often necessary resource to assist in resolving issues that interfere with students' ability to successfully navigate college and life. Services are confidential, voluntary, and covered by student fees (free to you). Community College of Denver’s Counseling Center offers in-person appointments or virtual counseling appointments for online students or students who cannot make it in person to CCD.
Prefer virtual counseling sessions? Register and connect with BetterMynd today! BetterMynd offers:
Life happens. Did you have a death in the family or an emergency medical situation that is making you have to drop your class? That may be considered an extenuating circumstance. Review the FAQs or learn more and complete an extenuating circumstance form so we can assist you in withdrawing with a refund if possible.
When in doubt, please ask questions. We want you to be successful. Don’t know where to go or what to do? We’re here to help. Contact the Office of Student Programming, Activities, and Resource Center (SPARC) by email at SPARC@ccd.edu. Even if you don’t know specifically what help you need, we will do our best to connect you to the right resources.
Title IX and other laws and policies are in place to ensure you can learn in a discriminatory free environment. Issues of harassment and discrimination are taken seriously and should be reported immediately. We will work with you to resolve the issue, investigate if necessary and are committed to an inclusive learning environment. You can review the student resolution process for grievances on issues of harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct and file a complaint.
Want to report a concern regarding yourself or another student? Refer a Concern
Are you parenting while you are taking classes? Childcare support can make a huge difference for student-parents facing financial and time constraints. Be sure to complete the FAFSA or CASFA and check with your college on any resources available for parenting students. Student-parents should identify themselves early in the application process to discover what childcare facilities prospective schools offer.
Auraria Campus offers access to a childcare center available to students which operates on a sliding scale.
Students taking CCD courses online or who do not live in the immediate vicinity of CCD should visit the Colorado Department of Early Childhood for resources regarding care facilities, care assistance programs, and other resources. Students out of state should work directly with their state agencies.
No one should ever have to go without their basic needs like food or housing being met during their pursuit of higher education. CCD provides several student support resources, such as a food resources, counseling services, assistance applying for SNAP, and connections to community resources.
Don’t live physically near an CCD campus? Statewide options exist that may help. Not sure what to Google or who to call? Start with Local 2-1-1
Food Resources
Emergency and General Assistance with Basic Needs
Financial Education & Information
Legal Information
If you have a complaint about teaching, you should first reach out to your instructor. If you are unable to resolve your concerns after communicating with the instructor, you may report your complaint and someone will be in contact with you.
If the complaint is beyond teaching, and involves harassment, discrimination or bias by another student or the instructor, please file a grievance specifically at your college. Review the options available at CCD and file the complaint or grievance that makes the most sense for your circumstance.
If you are unclear what to do with your complaint or concern or if it rises to the level of a grievance, please contact studentsuccess@cccs.edu for guidance.