Campus Box 250
P.O. Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217
Kaylah Zelig is the dean of instruction at CCD. Her primary functions include Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Liaison, CTE Administrator, Faculty qualifications and credentialing officer, lead on competency based education, and prior learning assessment.
Kaylah has been a part of the CCD community since 2001 and was a faculty member for the political science and business programs. Prior to that, she was an attorney for family law and general mediation/arbitration and an advocate and educator for the Boston Women’s Health Collective.
Kaylah enjoys walking and reading, and admits to being a big gamer nerd. She has three dogs, a corgi named Bogart, a terrier/Chihuahua mix named Woodrow Wilson, and a Heinz 57 named Franklin. All are rescue animals; pictures available upon request.