
CCD Travel Information

About This Information

This page is intended to help with questions that faculty & staff may have ranging from making a flight reservation to finding travel forms. Much of the information on this page are links to help you with your travel and the processes involved. It is highly recommended that you read CCD's Travel Procedures before making any form of a travel request.

Questions? Please send all travel-related items to Cindy Sauer (303.352.3203)

Quick Links

Click on links below for procedures and to request a travel authorization with the E-Form.

Travel Authorization E-Form FS-5 Employee Travel FS-6 Student & Chaperone Travel
FS-7 Non-Employee Travel FS-8 Employee Travel Paid by Third Party FS-12 Travel Card
FS-16 Mileage Reimbursement    

Travel Expense Reimbursement Request - This form is used to submit your travel and mileage reimbursement requests. Please use the tabs on the Excel spreadsheet for additional expenses and instructions.

Please use Google Maps or MapQuest to determine your mileage reimbursement requests. No map is necessary when using this site. You can print the suggested route, which breaks down your travel route, making sure that your total mileage traveled is noted at the top of the route and use this for your traveled mileage

You will be given information for booking your flight reservation when you receive your travel authorization number.

Fiscal Services will only issue Citibank Individually Billed Travel Cards as a payment option for travel expenses. You also have the option of using your personal credit card. Any College employee, with the exception of work study and student hourly employees, may apply for and receive a Citibank individually billed travel card. In order to get a Travel Card you must follow these steps:

Application Process

  1. Complete the State Travel Cardholder Agreement – Individual Card.
  2. Complete the Individual Travel Card Application.
  3. Secure all necessary signatures on both forms.
  4. Submit both the Agreement and Application to Fiscal Services.
  5. Once Fiscal Services has processed the request, they will provide you with information on completing the Citibank Travel Card Application on the Citibank website.
  6. Please refer to Travel Card Procedures FS-12 for additional information. Citibank will mail the travel card to the address you provide on the online card application. It can take up to three (3) weeks from the time you complete the online application to receive your card.

Terms of Use

It is important that you understand these terms:

  1. The Travel Card is to be used only for business travel for the benefit of the College.
  2. Personal use of the Travel Card is prohibited.
  3. The Travel Card should not be used to pay for another traveler’s expenses unless you are serving in the capacity as a College chaperone for student travel.
  4. You are personally liable for any and all charges on your Travel Card.
  5. Transactions paid for with the Travel Card are not tax-exempt.
  6. You will have 30 days to pay the balance on your Travel Card. If you timely submit your travel reimbursement form, you should have your reimbursement from the College in time to make the necessary payment.
  7. If you become delinquent on your payment for your Travel Card, you and your supervisor will be notified. If the delinquency extends beyond the 60 days past due, your executive staff member will also be notified. At 90 days, the College president will be notified and the College will pay the bill, deduct the money from your next paycheck and ask that you surrender your Travel Card.
  8. By participating in this program, you agree to all of the above terms.

As long as there is no overnight stay involved, no TA# is needed. All that is needed is your supervisor’s approval (and grant accountant’s approval if reimbursement is to be paid by a grant), to attend the event that requires the local travel. An example would be a conference or a seminar. At the conclusion of the travel, complete a Travel Expense Reimbursement Request and submit it to Fiscal Services for reimbursement.

All travel/mileage reimbursement forms, which have been approved & signed by your supervisor and/or org owner, are submitted to Cindy Sauer (303.352.3203) in Fiscal Services. 

You only need to submit a printout of the suggested route showing your total mileage. The total miles on the printout should match the total number of miles on the reimbursement request.

To find out if it has been received and submitted to AP for payment | Cindy Sauer (303.352.3203)
To find out if reimbursement has been processed | Desha Banks

Anytime an employee and/or CCD student travel as a representative of Community College of Denver that includes an overnight stay, a TA# is required and a Travel Authorization E-Form must be completed.

  • Failing to obtain the org owner’s signature on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request as this is often a different person than the supervisor.
  • Failing to indicate what the “Travel Purpose” was (located on row 10 of the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request).
  • Not including a copy of the agenda. An agenda is required when a mileage reimbursement request involves a conference, seminar, meeting, training, etc.
  • Not using the most up-to-date version of the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request. This form has the updated allowable rate for mileage for the calendar year. 
  • When the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request is missing the org code.
  • The lodging receipt does not show a zero balance due, indicating it has been paid in full. 
  • Failing to submit proof of payment for the conference fee. Please remember that even though the form is called Travel Expense Reimbursement Request, it is actually used as a reconciliation of all the expenditures incurred for the approved travel.
  • Not submitting a copy of the flight itinerary from Frosch Travel. Please remember we need all expenses, with supporting documentation, related to the approved travel on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request. This includes any expenditure that was prepaid by CCD.

No, the Citi Individually Billed Travel Card is available to pay for travel expenses. Apply for this card by completing FIS-1 and FIS-2. Another option is to use a personal credit card for the travel expenses, then submit for reimbursement. Regardless of which means of payment is used for the approved travel, keep all applicable original receipts and submit them with a Travel Expense Reimbursement Request

Airfare, when booked through Frosch Travel, is billed directly to CCD’s Commercial Credit Card. A conference registration fee may be paid with a p-card, which is billed directly to CCD’s Commercial Credit Card account. Please make sure any travel-related expenses that are pre-paid with a CCD Commercial Card are included on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request in the “Description of Expenses Paid in Advance by CCD" (i.e., airfare, conference fees, etc.) area of the form.

No. The only travel-related expense allowed on a p-card is a conference registration fee. If the conference registration fee includes lodging and meals, and there is no option to pay for the lodging and meals separately from the conference registration fee, then a p-card can be used because the conference registration fee is all-inclusive.

Last modified
January 11, 2021