Who uses this form? Students under the age of 23 who are attempting to petition for in-state tuition using their own information and must prove emancipation from their parents. This form must be submitted with the Petition for In-State Tuition in order to be considered for emancipation. According to the tuition classification law, the student is considered emancipated when they demonstrate complete financial independence, as well as Colorado domicile, for at least one year prior to the first day of class.
A student who is emancipated receives no financial support from their parents, family, friends or other such sources, including from trust funds that their parents or other third-party persons have established for them.
Essentially, a student can start proving that they have been emancipated at the age of 22 years or younger and can potentially qualify for in-state tuition if they submit the supporting documentation. In addition, students who are 22 years or younger are considered emancipated and can potentially qualify for in-state tuition if they have been married for at least one year prior to the first day of class.