This Guide to Faculty Recruitment & Search Process (Guide) contains pertinent information, current through the date of its issuance. To the extent that any provision of this Guide is inconsistent with State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies (BP) or Colorado Community College System President’s Procedures (SP), the BP and SP shall supersede and control. BP and SP are subject to change and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System President, respectively. BP and SP may be viewed at the CCCS website.
CCD strives to hire and retain highly qualified staff and faculty that reflect the diverse community we serve. CCD’s Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) identifies the metrics used to measure improvements in hiring and retaining a representative workforce, identifies the current diversity of our present workforce, the external availability of qualified candidates, and identifies opportunities for improvement. This Guide incorporates the strategies and recommendations outlined in CCD’s AAP. BP 3-120 – Affirmative Action / Anti-Discrimination Policy & SP 3-120b – Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action Program may be referenced for additional information.
Nothing in this Guide is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) an expressed or implied contract or guarantee of employment for any term. This document is intended as a descriptive process guide only and does not promise any specific process, procedure, or practice will be followed by CCD. CCD reserves the right to modify, change, delete, or add to the information in this Guide at any time.