Students who need to change their program of study (major) should submit this Program of Study Change Request Form. Any CCD degree or certificate not listed on the form requires an approval signature from an academic advisor or program chair before you can submit it. Once complete, the Program of Study Change Request Form is submitted to the Office of Registration & Records for processing.
If you're undecided about which program of study to declare, meet with the Academic Advising and Student Success Center.
Learn more about CCD's academic programs.
Please note that financial aid can only be applied toward classes that are required of an eligible degree or certificate. You must closely follow your DegreeCheck plan. Courses that are not listed on your DegreeCheck plan will not be counted toward your financial aid.
Changes to your program of study are reported to the Financial Aid Office if you receive any college federal grants, scholarships, VA benefits, etc. Program of study changes can impact your financial aid eligibility and VA benefits.
If you have borrowed student loans at another college, your student loan eligibility could be affected if you declare a degree and enroll at CCD as a transfer student. Your eligibility for subsidized loans can be impacted even if you don't receive any financial aid at CCD. In order to avoid being charged interest on your current subsidized loans, we recommend you enroll at CCD as a "non-degree seeking" student. However, as a "non-degree seeking" student, you will not be eligible for financial aid at CCD.
This form can only be submitted one time per semester. If you receive an error when submitting your request, please contact your advisor for assistance.
Advising@ccd.edu | 303.556.2481