Welcome to the Digital Zone!

Welcome to the Digital Zone!

The Digital Zone is dedicated to supporting students, faculty and staff in digital literacy and digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is the use of computer-based tools to create an edited video that tells a story. The Digital Zone offers in-person or online sessions focused on sharpening digital literacy skills while navigating CCD's learning management systems such as, D2L, Microsoft Office 365, WeVideo and Northstar. Visit the Digital Zone’s webpage to learn more about workshops, certificates, specialized events, and professional development.  

This page serves as a portal for CCD and non-CCD students to access Northstar Digital Literacy self-paced modules. 

Digital Zone Coordinator: Claire Sanford

The Digital Zone wants to help students build the skills they need and receive certifications to help achieve their goals.

Northstar Digital Literacy is a program that provides individualized training of essential skills required for computers and online resources. Within Northstar, there are three (3) standards-based modules:

  • Essential Computer Skills
  • Essential Software Skills
  • Use of Technology in Daily Life

Northstar learners can use self-guided modules to assess their ability to perform basic digital skills, receive guided online training, and complete official assessments to receive certifications that demonstrate their growth and accomplishments. These can be used as credentials within job applications to prove competency in the common tools of the workplace.

If you would like to use our tool for learning digital literacy and getting certified, click the button, complete the intake form, and register.

Register (CCD Students)

Register (non-CCD Students)

Make Videos with WeVideo

All new requests for WeVideo student access should be made through the registration form. Students must use their CCD-provided student email ending with @student.cccs.edu and provide information on why access to WeVideo is needed. Student access to WeVideo is reviewed and approved on a semester basis, meaning WeVideo access ends at the end of each semester and reverts to a free account. Once students receive a premium account, they can log in directly to WeVideo.com.

Faculty gain WeVideo access as part of their completion of the Digital Storytelling Certificate training and ongoing participation in the digital storytelling program.

Register for an Account