Extenuating Circumstance Appeals

Frequently Asked Questions

An extenuating circumstance is an emergency beyond a student’s control that has negatively affected their ability to be successful in their course(s).

For consideration, the extenuating circumstance must:

  1. Be outside of the student’s control or otherwise could not have been reasonably prevented
  2. Have a significant impact on the student’s ability to attend, participate, or otherwise complete coursework/pay their bill
  3. The timing must be evidently in line with the timing of the impacted coursework

The extenuating circumstance appeal can grant:

Administrative Withdrawal (WX)

  • An administrative withdrawal is assigned by the college when a student has been administratively withdrawn. A student may request WX grades if the extenuating circumstance prevented them from successfully completing the course or withdrawing before the deadline.
  • A WX grade can only be approved for courses in which the student received an ‘F’ grade.
  • No academic credit is awarded for a WX grade, and the course will count in attempted hours.

Past Due Balance Forgiveness

  • Past due balance forgiveness is institutional funding applied to the student’s account in order to pay down all, or a portion of, a student’s existing bill.
  • Past Due Balance Forgiveness can only be approved for extenuating circumstances that prevented the student from being able to pay their bill or dropping the course before the census date.
  • Students remain responsible for paying any portion of the bill that was not directly attributable to the documented extenuating circumstance.

You are eligible for an Extenuating Circumstance Appeal if:

  • You are submitting the appeal within 1 year of the semester that you are requesting the appeal for.
  • You have not already been approved for an Extenuating Circumstance Appeal, as students are limited to a total of 1 approved appeal during their time as a CCD student.
  • You have supporting documentation that illustrates the extenuating circumstance(s) on official letterhead (e.g. medical documentation, mental health documentation, military orders, etc.).

No, the ECA process cannot help with financial aid eligibility.

Your eligibility for financial aid depends on your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status. If you are ineligible for financial aid, you need to complete a SAP appeal.

If you have additional questions about the SAP appeal, contact Financial Aid at 303-556-5503 or FinancialAid@ccd.edu.

For questions regarding your Past Due Bill, contact:
Cashier’s Office at 303-556-2075, BusinessOffice@ccd.edu

For questions regarding your SAP status & financial aid, contact:
Financial Aid, 303-556-5503, FinancialAid@ccd.edu

For questions regarding support & resources, contact:
CCD Care Team, 303-352-3205

For general questions regarding the ECA process, contact:
Extenuating Circumstance Appeal Committee, extenuating.circumstance@ccd.edu