It is your job as an employee to report discrimination and harassment.
An employee who is the target of the discrimination or harassment, who has observed discrimination or harassment, or who receives a report about discrimination or harassment is obligated to report the conduct. If the conduct is not reported, the employee may be disciplined. Read the CCD College Procedure for more information. To report discrimination or harassment, please file an official complaint or contact the HR Department for more information.
CCD employees have an ethical obligation to report any incidences they are aware of concerning discrimination and/or harassment. If the employee is unsure, s/he may direct their questions to the College’s director of Human Resources. Failure to report will be considered a violation of BP 3-70, Colorado Community College System Code of Ethics, and may result in discipline, up to and including, termination.
Read CCD Full Procedures
HR-7: Sexual Harassment Procedure
HR-8: Civil Rights Grievance-Students
HR-9: Civil Rights Grievance-Employees