The Human Resource department and CCD encourage you to take the necessary steps to increase your wellness and safety in order to work and learn in a friendly environment. Without this, we understand your life balance quality and success is at risk. To file a written complaint of discrimination or harassment, please submit the Online Complaint Form.
Anyone who has complained about discrimination or harassment, or who participated in an investigation by providing information, is protected from the negative acts of another who wishes to punish them for making the complaint or participating in an investigation.
Retaliatory harassment is intentional action taken by an accused individual or third party that harms an individual as reprisal for filing or participating in the civil rights grievance proceeding.
It is a violation of the college procedure to engage in retaliatory acts against any employee or student who files a grievance or any individual who testifies, assists, or participates in a grievance proceeding, investigation, or hearing relating to such grievance.
Read CCD Full Procedures
The following confidential resources are available for individuals experiencing discrimination and harassment. You are not alone in this situation and we urge you to — if you do not feel comfortable contacting us — contact an outside source that is provided here for your safety and assistance.
www.ThePCA.org | PCAuraria@gmail.com
303.556.6011 (For Appointments) OR call 303.556.CALL (2255)
This is a 24/7 Free and Confidential Helpline for information on interpersonal violence, referrals, options, and next steps for Auraria students, staff, and faculty.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Office Location:
Tivoli Student Center, Suite 227
900 Auraria Parkway
Denver, CO 80204
The PCA is the Auraria campus’ victim advocacy office and provides free and confidential resources and assistance to survivors of interpersonal violence (sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking). The PCA provides victim advocacy and support that includes academic advocacy, assistance reporting to your school and/or police, safety planning, court/hospital/police accompaniment, and a listening ear. Advocates at the PCA will never tell you what to do; they will explain your options and support the decisions you make. The PCA is not a counseling center and cannot offer legal advice.
Sexual Assault Services
24/7 Crisis Support & Victim Assistance: 303.615.9911
If you have experienced sexual abuse/assault, domestic violence (also known as intimate partner violence), or stalking, or have a friend you are concerned about, the Victim Assistance Program has been developed to provide students, faculty, and staff with support and applicable resources.
CCD Counseling Center
Tivoli Student Union, Room 245
All CCD students have access to Counseling services in-person or virtually! Connect with CCD's licensed therapist for in-person or virtual service or register to receive virtual counseling sessions through BetterMynd.
303.866.4314 or 800.821.8154
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am. - 5:00 pm
C-SEAP is a professional assessment, referral, and short-term counseling service offered to state employees with work-related or personal concerns, as well as a resource for supervisors and managers.