How Do I Make a Complaint or Appeal?

complaint process illustration

Report a Complaint or Concern

Please select the category that best fits the nature of your complaint or concern and follow the guidance.

Student Conduct/General IncidentsThis form is to report Student Conduct concerns or general incidents for which you are not sure where to report. If you are uncertain of what kind of situation you are reporting (e.g. Care, conduct, etc.)
General ComplaintsThis general complaint form may be used to report situations that do NOT involve discrimination, harassment, other code of conduct violations, or academic grievances.
Contact your Program Dean or ChairIf you have an issue regarding your class and have contacted your instructor and still need help resolving it, contact the program dean or chair.
Civil Rights/Title IX ComplaintYou have experienced sexual harassment, and/or assault, and/or discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, expressions, or disability.
Extenuating Circumstances AppealYou have experienced an extraordinary emergency that is beyond your control and it has impacted your classes. The extenuating circumstance appeal committee can consider whether to approve a late withdrawal and/or tuition credit for your class.
SAP AppealDue to a serious life event, you have not met the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards and have already been notified that you're ineligible for aid. You would like to appeal to get financial aid reinstated.