Office of Registration & Records

Residency Requirements

Residency classification for tuition purposes is governed by state law (Title 23, Article 7, C.R.S. 1973). The College is required to apply the rules set forth in the law and does not have the authority to make exceptions unless specifically permitted by law.

You are initially classified as a resident (in-state) or non-resident (out-of-state) based on the information provided on your admissions application. Once the non-resident status is determined, it will not change without appropriate proof from the student. In addition, the admissions application is only valid for one year. If the student is not registered for classes, tuition classification may be reviewed for all New and Returning students.

New Students

If you are classified as a non-resident and believe you qualify for in-state tuition, please request a correction by completing the Correction For Initial Tuition Classification Form. The Correction For Initial Tuition Classification Form deadline is the Census Date (see dates listed below) for the semester you are seeking in-state tuition. No Exceptions.

Correction For Initial Tuition Classification Form Deadlines (Census Date)

  • Fall 2024 | Wednesday, September 4, 2024
  • Spring 2025 | Wednesday,February 5, 2025
  • Summer 2025 | Thursday, June 5, 2025

Continuing Students & Individuals Emancipated Before 22 Years of Age

If you are 22 years or younger and emancipated (which is financially independent for at least one year before the first day of class), then you have up to 30 days (see dates listed below) from the first day of class to complete the Petition for In-state Tuition application with Emancipation Form. There are no exceptions.

If you missed the deadline for submitting the Correction For Initial Classification Form, you still have time to adjust your residency status by submitting the Petition for In-state Tuition application before the semester deadline.

Petition for In-State Tuition Deadlines (Due within First 30 Days of Class) 

  • Fall 2024 | Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • Spring 2025 | Wednesday, February 19, 2025
  • Summer 2025 | Wednesday, June 25, 2025

Eligibility for In-State Tuition

Colorado Department of Higher Education Residency Guide
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding “In-State” Status

State law requires you to live in Colorado for one year or more continuously before the first day of class to be eligible for in-state tuition.

The law refers to this term as "Domicile." This legal term refers to the place where you have shown intent to make a permanent home and legal residence. Having a domicile involves more than just having a physical presence or “residence” in the state. Physical presence and the intent to remain in Colorado permanently are required for domicile. Retaining ties with your former state of residence and failure to comply with laws expected of all permanent residents of Colorado provides evidence against Colorado domicile.

You must surrender all legal ties with your former state of residence to show the intent to make Colorado your permanent place of habitation and legal residence.

The following can be used to document your intent:

  • Colorado driver's license or valid Colorado ID
  • Colorado motor vehicle registration
  • Permanent, full-time, off-campus employment
  • Colorado voter registration
  • Payment of Colorado state income taxes as a Colorado resident
  • Ownership of residential property in Colorado

Only qualified individuals may establish a domicile. A qualified individual must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-U.S. citizen in one of the following categories at the beginning of the one-year domicile period:

  • Twenty-two years of age or older: If you are 22 years of age, you are eligible to establish domicile in Colorado. The one-year domicile period begins only after completing 22 years of age. Therefore, you may qualify for in-state tuition after reaching 23 years of age.
  • Married: One-year domicile period begins after the date of marriage.
  • Emancipated minor: If you are under 22 years of age, you are eligible to establish domicile only if you are not supported by your parent(s) and are able to meet all ordinary and necessary expenses independently. The one-year domicile begins only after the date of emancipation.
    • Emancipation requires your parents or legal guardians to no longer support you and make no provision for support. Receipt of gifts, trust funds, loans, and assets established by parents or someone other than yourself on your behalf provides evidence against emancipation. In addition, parents must no longer claim you on their income taxes. You must document that you are able to meet all financial obligations, including tuition and fees, without any financial assistance from any other individual.

If you are 22 years or younger and emancipated (which is financially independent for at least one year prior to the first day of class), then you have up to 30 days (see dates listed below) from the first day of class to complete the Petition for In-state Tuition application with Emancipation Form. There are no exceptions.

All semester deadlines are listed on the academic calendar.

Please note: In-state tuition eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.  It is the responsibility of the petitioner to provide as much information and documentation as appropriate to document physical presence (apt lease, house warranty, utility bill, etc.) and intent (legal ties to Colorado, i.e., driver's license, CO taxes, CO paystub, etc.) and when necessary proof of citizenship status. Out-of-state legal ties can be considered as evidence indicating domicile outside of Colorado.  Residency classification will be determined based on the information submitted. The burden of proof is on the student. If you have any questions about the process, please visit the Office of Registration & Records in the Confluence Building, room 114 on the Auraria Campus, or email your questions to


Non-U.S. Citizen Eligibility Requirements

Immigrant aliens are eligible to establish domicile under the same provisions as U.S. citizens.

If you are a student with permanent resident status, an asylee or refugee, or fall under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), you may be considered an immigrant alien for the purpose of tuition classification. Most other immigration statuses can also potentially qualify you for in-state tuition; however, the provisions of the visa may prevent attendance at an institution of higher education.

Non-immigrant aliens are legally incapable of establishing domicile and cannot gain in-state tuition. You are considered a non-immigrant alien as an F-1, F-2, H-3, M-1, or M-2 visa holder. Additionally, J-1, J-2, and H-4 (if issued based on the relationship to the H-3 visa holder) visas are incapable of establishing domicile if the visa holder is in Colorado primarily to learn.

Colorado ASSET Bill

Additional Information & Resources for ASSET, DACA, and Undocumented Students
Dreamers & Undocumented Student Information 

Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow, or the Colorado ASSET law, allows eligible Dreamer, ASSET, Undocumented, or DACA students to pay in-state tuition and receive the College Opportunity Fund stipend at Colorado public colleges.  Senate Bill 13-033, also known as ASSET, was signed into law on April 29, 2013.

In 2022, the General Assembly passed HB22-1155, In-state tuition for Colorado High School graduates, which updates the eligibility criteria for Colorado ASSET students to receive in-state tuition and state financial aid at Colorado postsecondary education institutions. 

To qualify for Colorado ASSET in-state tuition, you must:

  • Have attended a Colorado high school for at least one year before graduation or was physically present in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date the student completed a high school equivalency examination in Colorado; and have been physically present in Colorado for at least 12 consecutive months before enrolling in an institution.  
  • Have a State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) number in the state of Colorado.
  • Complete your COF account AND COF affidavit via the COF website.  This is a two-part process.
    • Click here to complete your COF account and your COF affidavit with the College Opportunity Fund, indicating that you have applied for lawful presence or will apply as soon as you are eligible to do so. 

If you are classified as a non-resident and believe you qualify for ASSET in-state tuition, please request a correction by completing the ASSET application.  The deadline for the ASSET application is the Census Date for the semester you are seeking ASSET in-state tuition. No Exceptions.

Please note:  The ASSET in-state tuition rate will be determined based on the information submitted. The burden of proof is on the student.  If you have any questions about the process, please visit the Office of Registration & Records in the Confluence Building, room 114 on the Auraria Campus, or email your questions to

Honorably Discharged Veterans

If you are an honorably discharged veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard) and otherwise would not qualify for in-state tuition as a one-year resident of Colorado, you can apply for in-state tuition. Please reach out to the Veteran Coordinator for more information at

Active-Duty Members of the U.S. Armed Forces

As an active-duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces (and with legal dependents stationed in Colorado on a permanent-change-of-station basis or on a temporary assignment to duty in Colorado), you are able to qualify for in-state tuition. Members of the military force of Canada (with your legal dependents claiming an exemption to in-state residency requirements) are also able to qualify for in-state tuition. Please reach out to the Veteran Coordinator for more information at

Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE)

The Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE) is for non-residents of Colorado who maintain residency with another qualified state to receive reduced tuition rates. Time spent in Colorado under the WUE program will not count towards the 12-month domicile requirement for Colorado in-state tuition. A WUE application must be completed in full and returned to the Office of Registration & Records by the earliest drop (census date) for your courses.

Please consider the following when applying for the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program:

  • States that qualify for WUE Program: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
  • Students 22 years old and younger: You will need to submit at least two intent items from your parent who resides in one of the qualifying states on the WUE application.
  • Students 23 years old and older: You will need to submit at least two intent items (legal ties) from one of the qualifying states on the WUE application.  These two intent items, such as State Driver's License, State Taxes, Voter Registration, Vehicle Registration, or Paystub, need to be dated back one year before the first day of class.   
  • The time spent in the WUE Program will not count towards the 12-month domicile requirement for in-state tuition (the clock towards the 12-month domicile requirement will start once the student exits from the WUE Program).
  • Once the WUE application is processed, you will remain as a nonresident for three consecutive semesters but will be charged 150 percent of the CCD in-state tuition while enrolled in the WUE program. While enrolled in the WUE program, you do not qualify for the College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend (only in-state students (Colorado residents) qualify for the COF stipend).
  • You may submit the WUE application with supporting documents every three semesters to stay enrolled in the WUE program
  • The WUE tuition rate will not apply to CCCOnline or CCD online classes. WUE tuition only applies to CCD’s on-campus classes.  

The WUE application must be completed in full and returned to the Office of Registration & Records by the earliest drop (census) date for your courses.  The WUE application is only approved for one continuous year from the semester that the student applies for.  A new WUE application needs to be submitted each year to continuously receive the WUE tuition rate.  

Please note:  The WUE reduced tuition rate will be determined based on the information submitted. The burden of proof is on the student. If you have any questions about the process, please visit the Office of Registration & Records in the Confluence Building, room 114 on the Auraria Campus, or email your questions to