Type Document Name Number
Document 1098 Frequently Asked Questions
Affidavit/Proof of Citizenship FA-70
Document Assets Form - Parent
Form Assets Form - Student
CASFA-ASSET Eligibility Flowchart
Form Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA)
Form Consent For Release of Student Financial Aid Information to Scholarship Granting Organizations FA-68
Form Correction For Initial Tuition Classification Form
Form Cost of Attendance Adjustment Request FA-3
Form Disability Discharge FA-29
Form Displaced Aurarian Scholarship Instructions FA-44
Form Educational Goals Form FA-67
Document Family Size - Dependent Student
Form Family Size - Independent Student
Document Federal Benefits Form - Parent
Form Federal Benefits Form - Student
Form FERPA Release & Student Reference Request ORR-15
Form Financial Aid Cancellation Form FA-1
Document Identity & Statement of Educational Purpose
Form Independent Minor FA-56
Form Level 1 - Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal FA-12
Form Loan Adjustment Form FA-7
Form Overlapping Aid Clearance Letter/Transfer Monitoring FA-21
Form Parent PLUS Loan Application (in English) FA-8
Document Parent Refusal Form
Form Parent Tax Filing Status FA-52
Form Petition for Independence FA-9
Form Professional Judgment Request
Form Release of Financial Aid Information FA-11
Form Scholarship Contract FA-58
Document Special Circumstances - Brochure
Document Student Employment Supervisor Guide
Form Student Tax Filing Status FA-51
Document Tuition & Fees
Form Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Form FA-15
Form Unusual Enrollment History FA-41
Form Verification Worksheet Form 1 - Dependent Student (Standard) FA-32
Form Verification Worksheet Form 1 - Independent Student (Standard) FA-36
Form Verification Worksheet Form 4 FA-34
Form Verification Worksheet Form 5 - Dependent Student FA-33
Form Verification Worksheet Form 5 - Independent Student FA-37
Document Withdrawing from Classes - Brochure
Document Work-Study Student Employee Handbook
Form Written Confirmation of Future Attendance