If you enjoy working with computers, helping customers and friends with technical issues, or building networks, CCD's certificates and degrees in IT or CIS will lead you to work immediately in the industry or transfer to a four-year university.
Degree & Certificate Options

Computer Information Systems (Transfer)

Associate of Applied Science Degree | 60-61 Credits
Transfer to Metropolitan State University of Denver


Associate of Applied Science Degree | 62 Credits
Direct to Work

Information Technology

Associate of Applied Science Degree | 60-61 Credits
Direct to Work

Computer Science (Transfer)

Associate of Applied Science Degree | 60-62 Credits
Colorado Guaranteed Transfer

Computer Service & Support

Certificate | 28-29 Credits
Direct to Work, Stackable into IT Degree

Computer Technology

Certificate | 16-17 Credits
Direct to Work, Stackable into CIS Degree


Certificate | 30 Credits
Direct to Work, Stackable into Cybersecurity Degree

Data Analytics

Certificate | 19 Credits
Direct to Work

Network Security

Certificate | 25-26 Credits
Direct to Work, Stackable into IT Degree
High-demand career
Work Almost Anywhere in the World

A career in information technology (IT) may be perfect if you enjoy working on computers, helping customers and friends with technical issues, or building administering networks. IT is a part of every company, school, non-profit organization, and government office.

People with computer expertise are in demand, and they can work almost anywhere in the world. Companies need someone to set up, troubleshoot, and manage the equipment for other employees to complete their job functions.

The associate degree in information technology is a logical choice if you want to immediately work in the industry or transfer to a four-year university. The computer programs at CCD focus on industry-specific technical skills that are in demand.

The degrees and certificates offered here ensure that CCD graduates are prepared for employment by allowing them to obtain industry certifications in computer repair, networking, and network security.

CCD Computer and Technology student working in an IT closet
More Information About the Program

Academic support is provided through CCD's Excel Zone, which helps students succeed by offering a variety of learning opportunities. We are located on campus on the 4th floor of the Confluence building.

CCD is designated as a CompTIA certification college.

CCD Online offers fully online certificates and degrees, and individual online courses to help match your busy schedule.  This program offers between 24 to 73 percent of its degree either online or through a hybrid program.

Your first step is to see if online learning is right for you. Online and hybrid environments offer much more flexibility but require more self-direction and self-discipline. Certain work habits, learning styles and skills contribute to a successful online or hybrid learning experience.

Online Experience Questions?
303.352.6785 | TLC@ccd.edu

Some programs and/or courses may require additional fees in addition to the base tuition and fees. High-cost course fees are used to support the maintenance and development of the course labs and are embedded within your general tuition.

View the 2024-2025 Course Specific Fees

This program is eligible for federal financial aid.

Your first step is to connect with the Financial Aid office to discover how you can afford college. Our dedicated staff and support services help you wade through all the legal language and get you past the first hurdle to completing your educational goals.

In addition, CCD has $1,000,000 available in scholarships. Learn More!

A Two-Year Degree from CCD Can Lead to a Four-Year Degree from

  • Metropolitan State University of Denver*
  • Regis University**

*The Computer Information Systems AAS degree transfers to Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems. The Cybersecurity AAS degree transfers to Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity.

**Through Regis University’s School for Professional Studies Associate to Bachelor’s Program, Colorado community college students may earn a bachelor’s degree by transferring up to a maximum of 90 credits from the community college and completing the fourth year at Regis University’s School for Professional Programs. The degree programs include Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, Computer Networking, and Information Technology.

What Can I Do with My Major?

The employment of computer support specialists is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. More support services will be needed as organizations upgrade their computer equipment and software.

Nearly every business or organization needs smart people in the field of IT to help keep their company afloat. Some employment possibilities are:

  • Computer Systems Analysts
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators
  • Information Security Analysts
  • Computer Network Support Specialist
  • Computer User Support Specialists

How Much Can I Expect to Earn?

The median annual wage for computer network support specialists was $71,53,0 and the median annual wage for computer user support specialists was $59,240 in May 2023.

The information provided here is by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Information Technology

Total of 2019 GraduatesTotal Students Employed in their Field of StudyTotal Students Who Have Transferred to 4-Year Degree or Other Institution

Computer Information Systems

Total of 2019 Graduates Total Students Employed in their Field of StudyTotal Students Who Have Transferred to 4-Year Degree or Other Institution
44 7

Complete a certificate and start working while you study and finish your associate degree.

The following certificates seamlessly transfer to the A.A.S. in computer information systems:

  • Computer Technology
  • Cybersecurity

The following certificates seamlessly transfer to the A.A.S. in information technology:

  • Computer Service & Support
  • Healthcare
  • Network Security