These stories find us, draw us closer, make us feel, and shape our decisions.
In this journalism program, you will learn to be curious about the world by asking questions. You will learn why truth and ethics matter when reporting news stories or writing public relations press releases.
You will also learn the technical skills of writing stories, video production, still photography, and audio production, allowing us to share these stories in different media such as social media, television, radio, and online news outlets.
CCD’s journalism program offers classes that will start you on this path to a career as a journalist or public relations professional and give you what you need to transfer to a four-year university.
Consider taking a journalism course to satisfy degree requirements, or make it the focus of your studies by declaring an Associate of Arts degree with a designation in journalism.

The Talon Magazine is an online and print journal produced by CCD students every semester. Each semester, Talon journalism student-contributors write feature news stories, interview and profile interesting people, report on emerging trends, and take pictures about topics that matter to CCD students on the Auraria campus. All CCD students are encouraged to submit their work for selection.
For more information or to request a staff position on the Talon, please contact Daniel Schaefer.
The journalism program serves as a bridge for you to continue on to a four-year university.
Academic support is provided through CCD’s Excel Zone, which helps students succeed by offering a variety of learning opportunities. We are located on campus on the 4th floor of the Confluence building.
CCD Online offers fully online certificates and degrees, and individual online courses to help match your busy schedule. This program offers 83 percent of its degree either online or through a hybrid program.
Your first step is to see if online learning is right for you. Online and hybrid environments offer much more flexibility but require more self-direction and self-discipline. Certain work habits, learning styles and skills contribute to a successful online or hybrid learning experience.
Online Experience Questions?
303.352.6785 |
This program is eligible for federal financial aid.
Your first step is to connect with the Financial Aid office to discover how you can afford college. Our dedicated staff and support services help you wade through all the legal language and get you past the first hurdle to completing your educational goals.
In addition, CCD has $1,000,000 available in scholarships. Learn More!
The journalism program serves as a bridge for you to continue on to a four-year university or for you to head directly into the media industry.
A Two-Year Degree from CCD Can Lead To a Four-Year Degree from:
- Adams State University
- Colorado Mesa University
- Colorado State University - Fort Collins
- Colorado State University - Pueblo
- Metropolitan State University of Denver
- University of Colorado Boulder
- University of Northern Colorado
The internship courses (JOU 1080 and JOU 2080) allow you to earn college credit and pair real-world occupational experience with your education in the journalism field. You will be responsible for securing a journalism-related internship with an employing organization and may then coordinate how to receive credit for the course. Because each position is unique, internships will be coordinated on an individual basis, but will typically involve a portfolio of work performed and a self-reflection on the application of journalism principles in their workplace. See the journalism program chair for details.
What Can I Do with My Major?
The study of the journalism discipline will enhance career opportunities in the field and increase your salary potential. Complete your certificate in journalism and then transfer to a four-year institution where you can complete a major or minor for a B.A.
A degree in journalism opens the doorway to careers in:
- Reporting & Writing
- Broadcasting
- Photojournalism
- Public Relations
- Advertising
How Much Can I Expect to Earn?
- The median annual wage for media and communication occupations $66,320 in May 2023.
- The median annual wage for broadcast news analysts was $57,500 in May 2023.
- The median annual wage for reporters and correspondents was $57,500 in May 2023.
The information provided here is by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook.