Skill Development Non-Credit Workshops

Sign up for workshops on topics such as resume building, finance, and computer skills.
Non-Credit Workshops
Digital Skills (Computer Skills)

Free workshops are held in computer labs at several metro Denver locations. The workshops are held 4-5 hours per week for 3-week sessions. 

Financial Education

Workshops include Budget 101 (a 3-session class), How to Buy Your First Home, the Basics of Investments and more. Taught by a certified financial coach.

Workforce Readiness: Career Exploration

Workshops include Budget 101 (a 3-session class), How to Buy Your First Home, the Basics of Investments and more. Taught by a certified financial coach.

Workforce Readiness: Resume Writing

A workshop in resume/cover letter writing.  Workshops are held on CCD’s Auraria campus, Bear Creek building.