Testing Center

Momentum Credit: Get College Credit for What You Know

You have experience. Let it work for you!

You have experience. Let it work for you! Community College of Denver enables you to get class credit for what you have already learned so that you can

  • Graduate faster
  • Save money on tuition and books
  • Be recognized for what you know

There are many ways you can get class credit. Keep your momentum going towards completion of your program with Momentum Credit Get started now!

You can get credit for tests you have taken in the past, like in high school, or take a test at CCD's Testing Center.

Send your transcript for a test you already passed in high school or at a testing center, or you can take a test here at CCD.

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a type of “momentum credit” at CCD. Taking and successfully passing CLEP exams help students earn college credit for prior learning and for a fraction of the cost and time of a 15-week college course. Since the College-Level Examination Program, or CLEP exams, help students earn college credit for what they already know, it gives momentum to earning college credit.  

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers 34 introductory level course exams for a variety of college courses and students can earn 3 or more college credit per CLEP exam. With qualifying CLEP scores, students test out of the corresponding college course(s) at CCD, saving time and money in the cost of a degree. As part of the College Board CLEP is the most widely trusted credit-by-examination program and is accepted at over 2,900 colleges.

Who Can Take CLEP Exams?

Anyone seeking momentum to earn college credit should consider taking CLEP exams. Be sure to know which CLEP exams are accepted for college credit - see the College Board website. For CCD students with questions, contact a CCD Advisor to find out what CLEP tests count toward your program. CLEP is a very convenient option when students feel confident in the subject matter or are interested in refreshing knowledge through their study guides in preparation to take an exam.

  • FEES: $93 per CLEP Exam payable to College Board and $35 Administration per Exam Fee payable to CCD Testing Center
  • TIME: Each exam is approximately 90 – 120 minutes
  • CLEP PREPARATION:  CLEP is a computer-based exam completed at the CCD Testing Center. Most CLEP exam questions are multiple-choice and there are online study materials to help students prepare exams by providing:
    • Study material  
    • Test-taking tips
    • Practice questions
Financial AccountingACC 1001Fundamentals of Accounting
Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 2001Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 2002Principles of Microeconomics
College Composition Modular (without essay)ENG 1021English Composition I
College Composition (with essay)ENG 1021, 1022English Composition I, II
French Language (Level 2)FRE 1011, 1012, 2011French Language I, II, III
Social Sciences and HistoryGTP 9086 History
Introduction to Educational PsychologyGTP 9089Anth/Psych/Soc/Criminal Justice/Ethnic Studies
BiologyGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
ChemistryGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
Natural SciencesGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877HIS 1210U.S. History to Reconstruction
History of the United States II: 1865 to the PresentHIS 1220U.S. History since Civil War
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648HIS 1310Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650
Western Civilization II: 1648 to PresentHIS 1320Western Civilization: 1650-Present
HumanitiesHUM 1021Early Civilizations
Analyzing and Interpreting LiteratureLIT 1015Introduction to Literature I
American LiteratureLIT 2011American Lit to Civil War
Principles of ManagementMAN 2026Principles of Management
College MathematicsMAT 1240Math for Liberal Arts
College AlgebraMAT 1340College Algebra
Pre-CalculusMAT 1440Pre-Calculus
CalculusMAT 2410Calculus I
American GovernmentPOS 1011American Government
Introductory PsychologyPSY 1001General Psychology I
Introductory PsychologyPSY 1002General Psychology II
Human Growth and DevelopmentPSY 2440Human Growth and Development
Introductory SociologySOC 1001Introduction to Sociology
Spanish Language (Level 2)SPA 1011, 1012, 2011Spanish Language I, II, III
Spanish Language with Writing (Level 2)SPA 1011, 1012, 2011, 2012Spanish Language I, II, III, IV
Don't See a CLEP Test for What You Want?See Dept. Chair for a CCD Challenge Exam or Portfolio ReviewAny Other Class at CCD

Community College of Denver
Campus Box 201
PO Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217

Need help? Please contact any of our navigators.

You already took this in high school or at a testing center, or you can take the test here at CCD.

Principles of FinanceACC 1021Accounting Principles 1
General AnthropologyANT 1001Cultural Anthropology
Management Information systemsCIS 2067Management of Information Systems
Criminal JusticeCRJ 1010Intro to Criminal Justice
Introduction to Law EnforcementCRJ 1025Policing Systems
Foundations of EducationEDU 2211Intro to Education
Principles of Advanced English CompositionENG 1021English Composition 1
Technical WritingENG 1031Technical Writing 1
Intro to Geography (prev. Human/Cultural GeographyGEO 1005World Regional Geography
Art of the Western WorldGTP 9083Art/Music/Theatre/Dance
A History of the Vietnam WarGTP 9086History
A History of the Soviet UnionGTP 9086History
Health & Human DevelopmentGTP 9089Anth/Psych/Soc/Criminal Justice/Ethnic Studies
Organizational BehaviorGTP 9089Anth/Psych/Soc/Criminal Justice/Ethnic Studies
AstronomyGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
Environmental ScienceGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
Introduction to GeologyGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
Principles of Physical ScienceGTP 9092Nat and Phys Science no Lab
The Civil War & ReconstructionHIS 2140/203Civil War Era American History
Math for Liberal ArtsMAT 1240Math for Liberal Arts
Principes of StatisticsMAT 1260Intro to Statistics
Fundamentals of College AlgebraMAT 1340College Algebra
Ethics in AmericaPHI 1012Ethics
Introduction to World ReligionsPHI 1015World Religions: West
Lifespan Developmental PsychologyPSY 2440Human Growth and Development
  • You can login to DSST and request your transcript online.
  • The cost is $30, or $55 if you need it quickly.
  • Please be sure to have it sent to CCD either by having them send it to us electronically at transcripts@ccd.edu or mail it to us at

Community College of Denver
Campus Box 201
PO Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217

Need help? Please contact any of our navigators.

  • See your Academic Advisor to find out what classes are needed for your program of study. Use the list of courses on the next tab to see what's available.
  • CCD’s Testing Center is here to help.
  • When your test is purchased, schedule your testing session online at https://www2.registerblast.com/ccd/Exam/List at least 24 hours in advance of the desired testing time and day.
  • Pay the $40 fee by cash or credit/debit when you arrive at the testing center. 
  • After the test is completed, the Testing Center forwards the test score to the Transcript Specialist who enters PLA credit and emails you, that the credit is now visible on your transcript.
  • Need help? Please feel free to email, call, or stop by the testing center.

AP Credit is earned by taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams from the College Board after completing an AP class. 




Art and Design Program ART 1002, 1003Visual Concepts 2-D Design, Visual Concepts 3-D Design
Biology BIO 1111General College Biology w/ Lab
Biology BIO 1111, 1112General College Biology I w/ Lab, General College Biology II w/Lab
More coming soon!   
  • Getting Credit for an AP test you have already taken
    • You can login to AP and request your transcript online.
    • The cost is $15, or $25 if you need it quickly.
    • Please be sure to have it sent to CCD either by having them send it to us electronically at transcripts@ccd.edu or mail it to us at

Community College of Denver
Campus Box 201
PO Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217

Need help? Please contact any of our navigators.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma exams

Under Construction!

Getting Credit for a IB test you have already taken

  • You can login into IB and request your transcript online.
  • The cost is $17.
  • Please be sure to have it sent to CCD either by having them send it to us electronically at transcripts@ccd.edu or mail it to us at

Community College of Denver
Campus Box 201
PO Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217

Need help? Please contact any of our navigators.

ACE – American Council on Education National guides and exams are taken on-line.

Courses available for ACE national guide credit

Accounting IACC 1021Accounting Principles I
Accounting IIACC 1022Accounting Principles II
Accounting IIACC 1022Accounting Principles II
Advanced Academic AchievementAAA 1009Advanced Academic Achievement
Anatomy and PhysiologyBIO 1006Basic Anatomy and Physiology
Business CommunicationCOM 1105Career Communication
Business EthicsPHI 2005Business Ethics
Business LawBUS 2018Legal Environment of Business II
Business LawBUS 2018Legal Environment of Business
Business LawBUS 2018Legal Environment of Business II
Business ManagementMAN 2026Principles of Management
Calculus IMAT 2410Calculus I
College AlgebraMAT 1340College Algebra
Corporate CommunicationBUS 2017Business Communication/Report Writing
Corporate CommunicationCOM 1105Career Communication
English Composition IIENG 1022English Composition II
General Calculus IMAT 2410Calculus I
General Calculus IIMAT 2420Calculus II
General Physics LabPHY 2111Physics Calc-Based I/Lab
Human Resource ManagementMAN 2000Human Resources Management I
Human Resource ManagementMAN 2000Human Resources Management I
Introduction to Art HistoryART 1111Art History: Ancient/Mediv
Introduction to Art HistoryART 1112Art History: Renaissance/1900
Introduction to Art HistoryART 1110Art Appreciation
Introduction to BusinessBUS 1015Introduction to Business
Introduction to BusinessBUS 1015Introduction to Business
Introduction to Business Information SystemsCIS 2067Management of Information Systems
Introduction to Financial AccountingACC 1001Fundamentals of Accounting
Introduction to StatisticsMAT 1260Introduction to Statistics
Managerial AccountingACC 2026Cost Accounting
Managing Information SystemsCIS 2067Management of Information Systems
PhysicsPHY 2111Physics Calc-Based I/Lab
Pre CalculusMAT 1440Pre-Calculus
Principles of Accounting 1ACC 1021Accounting Principles I
Principles of Accounting 2ACC 1022Accounting Principles II
Principles of ManagementMAN 2026Principles of Management
Principles of ManagementMAN 2026Principles of Management
Principles of ManagementMAN 2026Principles of Management
Spanish ISPA 1011Spanish Language I
Spanish IISPA 1012Spanish Language II
Student SuccessAAA 1001College 101: Student Experience
  • Getting Credit for an ACE national guide you have already taken
    • You are sent an email after completing the guide that includes your transcript.
    • If you no longer have that transcript, you can email them at credit@acenet.edu for assistance.
    • This is free.
    • Please be sure to have it sent to CCD either by having them send it to us electronically at transcripts@ccd.edu or mail it to us at

Community College of Denver
Campus Box 201
PO Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217

Need help? Please contact any of our navigators.

GED – High School General Equivalency Diploma

You took this and received a diploma or certificate that stated that you were College Ready + Credit by earning a score of 175 or above.

You can also take the GED here at the testing center.

Click on the correct link above for more information and to order your Official Transcript. Step 2 of our transfer application guide has more info on how to get those credits transferred to CCD.

Not all learning takes place in a classroom, and we want to give you credit for what you know. If you have life experience (at work, in your community, as a hobby) that you believe is the equivalent to a course we teach here at CCD, we invite you to apply for Momentum credit.

To get started, email the Department Chair for the class you wish to challenge, and request a meeting (in person, via phone, or video chat).

The chair will give you a Student Handbook, which lays out the skills and knowledge learned in the class, and how you can demonstrate those experiences using Momentum credit. Typically, these can include:

  • A physical demonstration of your skill (like presenting a speech or making a weld)
  • Materials that demonstrate your skill (your graphic design portfolio or a writing sample)
  • A conversation or oral presentation of your knowledge
  • A written examination of your knowledge

Below is a list of already approved training and credentials.

SubjectCourseCourse NameIndustry Certification
ACC1025Computerized AccountingIntuit Quickbooks Certification
ACC1035Spreadsheet Applications for AccountingMicrosoft Office Specialist - Excel
BUS2017Business Communication and Report WritingCommunications Skills for Business Certificate
CAD1101Computer Aided Drafting IAutoDesk Certified User: AutoCAD
CAD2455SolidWorks/MechanicalCertified Solidworks Associate
CIS1010Introduction to Computing TechnologyAny IT or application cert
CIS1018Intro to PC AppsCertiport IC3 key applications
ECDL/ICDL, CompTIA IT Fundamentals, ECDL/ICDL, ICT Fundamentals or IC3 Global Standard 5, IC3 Digital Literacy Certification
CIS2040Database Design and DevelopmentCIW Databse Design Specialist
Any Oracle Associate-level database certification or higher
MTA Database Fundamentals or higher MS database certification
CIS1024Introduction to Operating SystemsCompTIA IT Fundamentals
Microsoft Certified Professional + CLNP
CIS2023LinuxCompTIA Linux+ Certification
CompTIA Linux Network Professional (CLNP)
CIS2002Automated Project ManagementCompTIA Project+ Certification
CIS1015Introduction to Computer Information SystemsGoogle IT Support Professional Certificate, Google IT Support Professional Certificate
CIS1028Operating System: Using Windows, Linux, Mac OSXGoogle IT Support Professional Certificate
CIS1045Complete PC Database (Access)Microsoft Office Specialist Access
CIS1065Complete Presentation Graphics (PowerPoint)Microsoft Office Specialist PowerPoint
CIS1055PC Spreadsheet ConceptsMOS Excel Expert (test 201) or higher
Certiport Excel exam, Microsoft Office Specialist Excel, MOS Excel Associate
CIS1040Microsoft OutlookMOS Outlook
Certiport Outlook exam
CIS1035Complete PC Word ProcessingMOS Word Associate or higher, Microsoft Office Specialist Word
Certiport Word exam
CIS2046Database AdministrationOracle certs - 1Z0-061 AND 1Z0-062
CIS1059Microsoft Office Specialist Certification: ExcelMOS Excel Associate or higher
CIS2018Advanced PC ApplicationsMOS Excel Associate or higher
CNG2058Digital ForensicsCHFI
CNG2060, 2061, 2062, 2063CISCO Network Associate I - IVCisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
CNG1016Microcomputer HardwareCompTia A+
CNG1020A+ certification PrepCompTia A+
CNG1021Computer Technician I: A+CompTIA A+ Certification
CNG1022Computer Technician II: A+CompTIA A+ Certification
CNG1042Introduction to Cloud ComputingCompTIA Cloud+ Certification
CNG2001Linux ConfigurationCompTIA Linux+
LPI LPIC-1 or Higher
CNG1024Network ICompTia Net+
CISCO CCNA or higher
CNG1025Network IICompTia Net+
CISCO CCNA or higher
CNG2024Networking I: Network +CompTIA Network+ Certification
CNG1001Networking FundamentalsCompTIA Network+ Certification
CNG2057Network Defense and Counter MeasuresCompTIA PenTest+
Certified Ethical Hacker
CNG1031Principles of Information AssuranceCompTIA Security +
CNG1032Network Security FundamentalsCompTIA Security +
Cyber Security Fundamentals (formerly known as IAF)
CompTIA Security+ Certification
CNG2056Vulnerability Assessment IISACA CISM or CISA or CRISC Certification or GIAC Vulnerability
Assessor or Certified Ethical Hacker
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification
CNG2011Windows ConfigurationMicrosoft MTA Windows Operating System Fundamentals
CNG2060, 2061CISCO Network Associate I - IICISCO Certified Entry Level Network Technician (CCENT)
CRJ1010Introduction to Criminal Justice1-A - Criminal Process
CRJ1025Policing Systems1-C - Law Enforcement Ethics and Anti-Bias Policing
CRJ1035Judicial Function1-B - Judicial Process
CRJ1027Crime Scene Investigation7-A to 7-G - Investigative Procedures
CRJ2005Principles of Criminal Law2-D - Colorado Criminal Code and Related Federal Statutes
CRJ2057Victimology3-A to 3-D - Victim’s Rights
CRJ2004Terrorism, Intel, and Justice5-O - Law Enforcement in Terrorism
CSC1019Introduction to ProgrammingMTA Intro to Programming using Java
CSC1060Computer Science IAP Computer Science A with a score of 3 or higher
CUA1001Food Safety and SanitationServeSafe Food Production Manager Certification
DIT1023Management for Dietary ManagersServeSafe Food Production Manager Certification
ECE1011Introduction to Early Childhood EducationChild Development Associate (CDA)
EGG1030Robotics DesignCE students only:
Concurrent Enrollment Only: Students producing already created artifacts for competition in the high school robotics club
HPR1050EKG BasicsEKG NHA Now
HWE1068Certified personal trainer preparationNASM or ACE personal trainer
HWE1061Fitness and WellnessNASM or ACE personal trainer
MAC2040CAD/CAM 2DMaster Cam
MAN1060, 2016MAN 160 Entrepreneurship
MAN 216 Small Business Management
Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB)
MAN2016Small Business ManagementEntrepreneurship and Small Business Certificate or Social Marketing Certification
MAR2016Principles of MarketingSocial Marketing Certification
MGD1011Adobe Photoshop IAdobe Certified Associate
MGD1012Adobe Illustrator IAdobe Certified Associate
MGD1013Adobe InDesignAdobe Certified Associate
WEL1001Safety for WeldersSense 1+ physical examination of relevant welds

If you see a credential you have on the list – let’s get you credit.

Please send your credential to CCD either by having them send it to us electronically at transcripts@ccd.edu or mail it to us at

Community College of Denver
Campus Box 201
PO Box 173363
Denver, CO 80217

If you don’t see your credential on the list – please go to our directory and find the chair that oversees the area of your credential. Make an appointment with them to get started.

Need help? Please contact any of our navigators

Military Joint Services Transcript/Defense Language Proficiency Tests are another way to earn college credit. Send military transcripts to the Office of Registration and Records (ORR) to be evaluated. Step 2 of our transfer application guide will show you how to get those credits transferred to CCD.

You attended another college previously, and you want those credits to count. Step 2 of our transfer application guide will show you how to get those credits transferred to CCD.


More Info

  • You must be admitted to CCD (which is free!). You can apply right now.
  • Any 1000-level or higher course in CCD’s catalog can be challenged for PLA. 
  • Credit earned must be part of the program of study you chose when you applied. You can change your program of study.
  • Up to 75% of a program of study can be earned through momentum credit. 
  • You must earn a C (70%) or higher to get credit.  
  • These credits will not be calculated into your GPA nor part of your semester enrollment.  
  • Speak to financial aid or veterans benefits (VeteranServices@ccd.edu) if you have questions.
  • Faculty: All momentum experiences and exams must be reviewed by the Momentum Credit Center before being administered.
  • Under state law, all public college institutions of higher education (two and four year), must accept Momentum Credit/PLA Credit at transfer.
  • Please check with the highest institution you plan on applying to if you are going to a selective entry program.
  • PLA credit noted on your transcript will have a grade of ‘PLA’.

“I think I might be eligible for credit but not sure what subjects and have general questions” 

  • Meet with your Academic Advisor. They will review this website with you, discuss your situation, and help you determine your next step. 

“I have a credential or test score that is on the CCD website as an equivalent to a course. What should I do?” 

  • Bring/email credential or official sealed transcript to Office of Registration & Records office and credit is awarded (PLA Credit Award form completed by staff) 

“I have a credential, transcript, or test score that is not on the CCD Website and I’m not sure if it’s equivalent to a course. Who should I talk to?” 

  • Contact the Department Chair for the subject that best fits. They can help you determine what course is the most appropriate fit, and whether an additional assessment is needed (for a fee) or if the credential is accepted outright for credit (no fee).  

“I have the knowledge and skills and can demonstrate them to show equivalency to finishing the course. What kind of assessment can I do?” 

  • First, find out if a CLEP test is possible. Purchase the test on the CLEP website, register for the proctoring at CCD, and take the test. 
  • If no CLEP is available for your course, contact the correct Department Chair. The Chair will let you know if it’s a challenge exam or portfolio review. Fill out the PLA Attempt application together, pay for the attempt, complete the exam or review 

“My extensive work experience plainly demonstrates my mastery of the material for one or more career or technical ed courses. I have multiple references and evidence of my work, which provide greater evidence of my skills than a written examination could demonstrate. Who do I talk to?” 

  • Contact the Department Chair for the subject that best fits. They can help you determine what course is the most appropriate fit, and whether an additional assessment is needed (for a fee) or if the credential is accepted outright for credit (no fee). 

Department Chairs: