Engineering Momentum: STEM Core Program

What is STEM Core?

  • Cohort-based learning community that focuses on increasing the participation of underrepresented minorities, women, and veterans in the field of engineering
  • Participants will explore careers in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math and participate in an academic pathway to complete transfer coursework
  • Participants may take classes together, receive academic counseling, tutoring, intensive math preparation
  • Opportunity to apply to internships with industry and research leaders including NASA, Lockheed Martin and University of Colorado Boulder and Denver.
  • Participation Stipend of up to $1250 
  • Opportunity to gain Certifications in programs like Python

What is Summer Bridge?

Summer Bridge Programs provide an opportunity for students to prepare for the academic year by completing:

  • Foundational algebra coursework 
  • Hands-on Engineering and/or Computer Science projects 
  • "College Knowledge" workshops on topics including advising and financial aid
  • An opportunity to connect to the STEM Core and Engineering Momentum network

Summer Bridge Participants Will:

  • Receive a $1500 stipend for completion of the entire program 
  • Receive college math support to build a strong academic foundation
  • Engage in Hands-on projects with real world applications 
  • Meet guest speakers from campus and in the field
  • Gain college success skills with an advisor who will set you on the right path 

Bridge components help students successfully complete the key transition to college academics, exploring campus resources, and engaging in STEM self-discovery.

Yes! If you are interested in engineering, need support or a refresher in developmental math and college Algebra, and would like to be considered for Internships in the future, you can apply.

We do not offer scholarships, but we do offer paid internships for our students to apply, including summer bridge.

Yes! This is an exploratory program for students wanting to learn more about engineering. You will have access to career panels, field trips and other resources to help you decide if engineering is the right fit for you! There is no penalty if you do not see engineering in your future after a semester or two in the program.

Absolutely! You will be placed in small student cohorts taking specifically curated classes for extra support and guidance to become calculus ready for a four-year engineering degree.


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