Community College of Denver (CCD) is proud to announce our new Veterinary Technology U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship Program, the first program of its kind in the United States.
CCD has launched this innovative program to give students the opportunity to earn wages while gaining valuable hands-on experience as part of CCD’s two-year Associate Degree program.
The College has developed partnerships with Colorado veterinary clinics who are excited to hire our apprentice students. Apprentices will work approximately 30 hours per week receiving structured on-the-job training in addition to 20-30 hours per week of remote learning through online modules and in-person labs.
Students who complete our two-year program receive an Associate of Applied Science degree in Veterinary Technology, a nationally recognized certificate from the U.S. Department of Labor and are prepared to sit for the Veterinary Technician National Exam.
“As times have changed due to students working more and more hours followed by the impact of the pandemic, CCD felt the strong need to adapt our program to 21st-century learning,” said Jennifer Gunther, Program Manager. “The apprenticeship program allows our students to earn wages while learning while reducing their risk of exposure to COVID-19.”
Applications for the program will be open January 2021 and information sessions will be available soon.
For more information, visit ccd.edu/Vet-Tech or contact Jennifer Gunther BS, LVT, CVT at Jennifer.Gunther@ccd.edu.