The Community College of Denver (CCD) and TheDREAM.US have partnered to provide scholarships to qualified immigrant students, or “DREAMers” who came to this country as children. TheDream.US is the nation’s largest scholarship program that supports eligible undocumented immigrant students not eligible to apply for federal financial aid to support a college education.
Scholarships will cover up to 100 percent of a student’s total cost of tuition, fees and books at CCD. Both high school students coming to CCD as well as graduates who wish to finish their bachelor's degree at a partner university are eligible to apply.
“We are excited to be able to serve DREAMers in Colorado, which is the home of many highly motivated DREAMers who want nothing more than to go to college and contribute to their families and the Denver community,” said Candy Marshall, president of TheDream.US.
To be eligible, students must be classified as Colorado residents, came to the US before the age of 16, have continuously resided in the US since November 1, 2014, are undocumented, have demonstrated financial need and the determination to succeed in college and in life.
For a complete listing of eligibility requirements and application information, visit TheDream.US to apply before the due date, February 27, 2020, 11:59 p.m. CST.
You may also contact Andrea.Kossik@ccd.edu or 303.352.6592 for more information. Se Habla Español (Se Habla Español/Hablamos Español).
TheDream.US is a project of New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3), which provides fiscal sponsorship for innovative public interest projects focused on conservation, education, and global health.