If it was based on the fulfillment of its mission–providing hands-on, real world training that leads to sustainable employment–it was a resounding triumph.
With more than 200 business leaders, students, elected officials, and other dignitaries in attendance, the AMC delivered on its promise before classes even began—with several CCD students landing job leads before the night was over.
Against a backdrop of the facility’s labs and state-of-the art equipment, CCD President and host Dr. Everette Freeman welcomed Lt. Governor Joe Garcia, Colorado Community College System President Nancy McCallin and Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation CEO Tom Clark to share in the celebration.
Lieutenant Governor Joe Garcia delivered the keynote and marked the magnitude of the Center’s mission and its contribution to Colorado’s growing economy.
“Colorado is a very well-educated state, but 47 percent of the proficiencies needed today are for middle-skilled jobs, and there are still too many who cannot get a job because they don’t have these skills, particularly in Latino communities,” Garcia said. “CCD is stepping up to this challenge with this Center. It will create career pathways to jobs that pay a livable wage and workers who meet the requirements needed. By doing this, we’re helping the entire state.”
At the event, CCD students learned first hand that this formula works. Many students present at the event were able to make direct contacts with local area employers to gain solid leads on future employment using the skills they learned in the programs.
“Lieutenant Governor Joe Garcia’s comments about the importance of creating an economic ramp for the Denver’s under-represented communities to enter the middle class is exactly right,” said Everette Freeman, CCD President. “This facility becomes another vehicle for graduates at Denver Public Schools who wish to explore college and gain a certificated skill.”
After the formal program, attendees were treated to a tour of the facility to explore what the AMC has to offer, which includes state-of-the-art equipment that was made possible by the US Department of Labor CHAMP grant (Colorado Helps Advanced Manufacturing Programs). Additional equipment, classrooms and top-flight instructors will soon complete the vision.
CCD’s AMC is a state-of-the-art 33,280 square-foot facility located at 2570 31st in Denver and offers programs to help strengthen Colorado’s workforce with associate degrees and certificate programs in machining and welding. The AMC also offers employed and incumbent workers advanced training courses for CNC machinists, 4/5 machinists, 4/5/6 access and wire EDM training. Learn more at CCD.edu/AMC.