(Denver, CO) – The results are in and the data is clear: student success is on the rise at Community College of Denver (CCD).
The rising numbers encompass pass rates, as well as Dean’s, Vice President’s and President’s List placements. For example, the percentage of students passing their classes with a “C” or better rose six percent between the spring of 2011 and spring of 2014.
The numbers of students earning Dean’s, Vice President’s and President’s List designations rose steadily as well. Since 2011, students making the Dean’s List (earning a grade point average of 3.50 to 3.74) rose from 449 students to 541. Students who made it to the Vice President’s List (grade point averages of 3.75 to 3.999) accounted for 113 designations in the fall 2011 semester to 131 by spring 2014. Students achieving the pinnacle of academic success with a 4.0-grade point average and earning a coveted spot on the President’s List went from 190 to 245 this past spring.
“This steady rise of academic achievement mirrors the caliber of students CCD attracts,” said CCD Provost Bernice Harris. “Students know when they enroll here, they’ll be supported with personalized attention from instructors and a relevant curriculum that translates easily to today’s workforce."
The numbers also reflect the strategic implementation of CCD’s “early alert” system, which is designed to catch students who may be struggling at varying intervals throughout the semester before it’s too late to turn things around. Faculty members are able to signal to a student’s advisor at the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth week of a semester—in time for the advisor to intervene and provide support and strategies for corrective measures.
“When CCD President Dr. Freeman came on board last year, he made the use of the early alert system mandatory among instructors, which has had a huge impact on student success, and the student response to this has been overwhelmingly positive,” Harris said.
These increases in achievement levels follow a national trend that highlights rising academic performances throughout community colleges. Harris credits the Colorado Community College System with being at the forefront of the redesign of developmental education practices that have been streamlined and strengthened to get students into college-level courses during one semester rather than several.
In addition, CCD enhances the community college experience by offering a centralized, convenient location, and accommodating a wide variety of students diverse in ethnicity, age, experience, academic history and background. All of which translates into higher scores, grades, and experiences.
For more information about these and other resources affecting student achievement at CCD, contact Nancy.Tomb@ccd.edu