CCD Online

CCD Online Classes


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
ANT 101 Cultural Anthropology GT-SS3 X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
ART 110 Art Appreciation GT-AH1 X X X
ART 111 Art History Ancient to Medieval GT-AH1 X    
ART 112 Art History Renaissance to 1900 GT-AH1   X  
View Program Information


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
BIO 103 Principles of Animal Biology GT-SC2 X    
BIO 105 Science of Biology with Lab GT-SC1 X X X
BIO 106 Basic Anatomy & Physiology   X X X
BIO 111 General College Biology I GT-SC1 X X X
BIO 112 General College Biology II GT-SC1 X X X
BIO 216 Pathophysiology   X X X

Business Administration

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
BUS 110 Working for Yourself     X X
BUS 115 Introduction to Business   X X X
BUS 216 Legal Environment of Business   X X X
BUS 217 Business Communication & Report Writing   X X X
ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics GT-SS1 X X X
ECO 202 Principles of Microeconomics GT-SS1 X X X
MAN 160 Entrepreneurship   X    
MAN 226 Principles of Management   X X X
MAR 160 Customer Service   X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
CHE 101 Introduction to Chemistry I: Lab GT-SC1 X X X
CHE 109 General, Organic & Biochemistry   X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
COM 115 Public Speaking   X X X
COM 125 Interpersonal Communication   X X X
COM 126 Communication in Healthcare     X  

Criminal Justice

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
CRJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice GT-SS3 X X X
CRJ 231 Introduction Forensic Science / Criminalist   X X X

Dental Hygiene

Please visit the Dental Hygiene program page for information about the courses they offer.

Early Childhood Education

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
ECE 101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education   X X X
ECE 103 Guidance Strategies Young Child   X X X
EDU 261 Teaching, Learning & Technology   X X X

English Composition & Literature

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
ENG 121 English Composition I GT-CO1 X X X
ENG 122 English Composition II GT-CO2 X X X
LIT 115 Introduction to Literature I GT-AH2 X X X

Environmental Science

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
ENV 101 Environmental Science with Lab GT-SC1 X X X

Food, Nutrition & Wellness

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
HWE 100 Human Nutrition   X X X
HWE 124 Fitness & Wellness   X X X
HWE 143 Applied Nutrition - Whole Food Cooking   X X  


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
GEO 105 World Regional Geography GT-SS2 X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
GEY 111 Physical Geology with Lab GT-SC1 X X X
GEY 112 Historical Geology with Lab GT-SC1 X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
HIS 101 Western Civ: Antiquity - 1650 GT-HI1 X X X
HIS 102 Western Civ: 1650 - Present GT-HI1 X X X
HIS 121 U.S. History to Reconst. GT-HI1 X X X
HIS 122 U.S. History Since Civil War GT-HI1 X X X
HIS 225 Colorado History GT-HI1 X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
HUM 115 World Mythology GT-AH2 X X X
PHI 111 Introduction to Philosophy GT-AH3 X X X
PHI 112 Ethics GT-AH3 X X X
PHI 115 World Religions-West GT-AH3 X X X

Information Technology

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
BTE 100 Computer Keyboarding   X X  
BTE 102 Keyboarding Applications I   X X  
BTE 103 Keyboarding Applications II   X X  
BTE 108 Ten-Key by Touch   X X  
CIS 118 Intro PC Applications   X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
JOU 105 Introduction to Mass Media GT-SS3 X X X
JOU 241 Feature & Magazine Writing       X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
MAT 025 Algebraic Literacy Lab   X X X
MAT 050 Quantitative Literacy   X X X
MAT 055 Algebraic Literacy   X X X
MAT 091 Applied Quantitative Lab   X X X
MAT 092 Quantitative Lab   X X X
MAT 103 Math for Clinical Calculations   X X X
MAT 107 Career Math   X X X
MAT 108 Technical Mathematics   X X X
MAT 120 Math for Liberal Arts GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 121 College Algebra GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 122 College Trigonometry GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 123 Finite Mathematics GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 125 Survey of Calculus GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 135 Introduction to Statistics GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 166 Pre-Calculus GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 201 Calculus I GT-MA1 X X X
MAT 202 Calculus II GT-MA1 X X X

Medical Assistant

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
HPR 108 Dietary Nutrition   X X  
HPR 178 Medical Terminology   X X X
MOT 209 ICD Coding   X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
MUS 100 Music Theory Fundamentals I   X X X
MUS 120 Music Appreciation GT-AH1 X X X
MUS 123 Survey of World Music GT-AH1     X

Political Science

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
POS 105 Introduction to Political Science GT-SS1 X X X
POS 111 American Government GT-SS1 X X X


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
PSY 101 General Psychology I GT-SS3 X X X
PSY 102 General Psychology II GT-SS3 X X X
PSY 235 Human Growth & Development GT-SS3 X X X
PSY 249 Abnormal Psychology GT-SS3 X X X

Radiologic Technology

Please visit the Radiologic Technology program page for information about the courses they offer.


Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology I GT-SS3 X X X
SOC 102 Introduction to Sociology II GT-SS3 X X X
SOC 237 Sociology of Death & Dying GT-SS3 X X X

Veterinary Technology

Course Information Semester Availability
Course # Title GT Fall Spring Summer
VET 101 Career Development Animals   X X  
VET 102 Veterinary Medical Terminology   X X  
VET 120 Office Procedures & Relations   X X  
VET 227 Animal Nutrition   X X  

More Online Options

CCCOnline also offers fully online courses for CCD students. These courses are taught by Colorado Community College System instructors and may include students from other colleges across the state. Check out their All Course Listing page and speak with your department chair or academic advisor to find out if CCCOnline classes are right for you.