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You are working on the first step to a great career. By completing higher education, you are giving yourself a solid foundation of skills and knowledge. When you go the extra step and secure an internship, you are adding to your value and worth as an employee, while developing self-confidence to succeed in the workforce.
In addition, you'll make professional contacts and obtain the references you need from your managers so that if a job isn't readily available, you'll have the tools you need to easily transition into another position with another employer. Either way you look at it, succeeding in an internship excels your career as an employee, a co-worker, and as a person looking to better his/her chances in the workforce.
Concurrent enrollment and ASCENT are great opportunities for DREAMer students to start earning college credits early. Concurrent enrollment allows students to take college classes while they are in high school. Concurrent enrollment courses are offered both at the high school and college campuses. Through the ASCENT program, DREAMer students take a full year of college classes at CCD after they would normally graduate from high school.
To qualify for ASCENT, you must have met the graduation requirements of your high school, placed into college-level classes, and have earned at least 12 college credits to participate. Since the student tuition for concurrent enrollment is paid by the district or high school, there is little or no cost for you to participate! To continue this support, CCD offers the Together We Dream Scholarship that awards up to $2,000 for graduating ASCENT students to complete CCD degrees within two semesters after the ASCENT year. The Together We Dream Scholarship is open to all students, including DREAMers. Together, these programs (concurrent enrollment, ASCENT and the Together We Dream Scholarships) are a great option for DREAMer students to earn college classes with little or no cost.
For more information contact the High School Connections office at 303.352.3301 or speak with your high school counselor.