TRIO Student Support Services

TRIO Student Support Services

support through your journey
TRIO SSS provides comprehensive academic, financial and personal guidance

TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) provides comprehensive academic, financial and personal guidance within an active community of students and staff.

All TRIO SSS participants are overcoming obstacles to higher education — such as limited income, being the first generation to go to college, or disability — en route to graduation and transfer.

Our specialists and peer mentors will challenge and support you every step of your journey while at CCD and during your transfer to a four-year college or university.

CCD TRIO group
Eligibility Requirements
Searching for Success?
  1. U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident,
  2. Overcoming an obstacle to higher education: limited income, or first-generation to college, or disability,
  3. Plan to transfer to a four-year college or university,
  4. Be enrolled at CCD with at least two semesters remaining.
CCD TRIO Summer bridge group
TRIO Services

Work with our success specialists and peer mentors to meet your individual goals. 

  • Identify the degree and transfer requirements in order to create an academic plan.
  • Understand and navigate the academic culture and policies.
  • Resolve any challenges or obstacles impacting successful course completion.
  • Participate in personalized tutoring and join peer-to-peer study groups.
  • Develop academic skills for studying, note-taking, time management and more.
  • Complete financial aid application requirements and appeal statements. 
  • Locate and apply for institutional and private scholarships.
  • Utilize financial literacy to create a budget and minimize student loan debt.
  • Tour undergraduate and graduate institutions throughout the Rocky Mountain region. 
  • Complete admissions and financial aid application requirements. 
  • Connect with support programs such as TRIO SSS at four-year institutions.
  • Enhance your resume and interview skills.
  • Access career exploration resources and basic assessments.
  • Develop your leadership style through service-learning projects and leadership conferences.
  • Meet successful alumni of the CCD TRIO SSS program.
  • Discuss your victories and challenges with a trusted peer. 
  • Receive first-hand advice from someone who has been there.
  • Get together with other TRIO SSS students at various social events.
Important Dates
All Day