Degree Completion for Licensed Dental Hygienists
The BAS in dental hygiene provides registered dental hygienists (RDH) an opportunity to continue their dental hygiene education, earn a baccalaureate degree and expand their career options with special emphasis in public health dental hygiene and elective courses in education.
We also offer a variety of continuing education courses. These courses are designed to expand the knowledge and skills of dental hygienists while fulfilling the requirements of the State of Colorado dental hygiene licensure.

Admission to the BAS dental hygiene program is open throughout the year. However, applicants must apply the semester before they wish to enroll based on the published application deadline listed under Application Deadlines.
Admitted students are required to meet via phone or video conference with the Degree Completion Coordinator to develop a program plan to assist with the sequencing of coursework and schedule development.
Students will have a Faculty Advisor who is also the Degree Completion Coordinator. Specific program questions and development of the Program Plan are completed with this advisor.

This program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
The Bachelor of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene program is completely online.
Your first step is to see if online learning is right for you. Online and hybrid environments offer much more flexibility but require more self-direction and self-discipline. Certain work habits, learning styles and skills contribute to a successful online or hybrid learning experience.
Online Experience Questions?
303.352.6785 |
- A minimum of 120 credit hours must be earned to complete the BAS in Dental Hygiene degree completion program.
- Transfer credit for coursework from a student’s entry-level dental hygiene A.S., A.A.S. or certificate program and prerequisites will be applied from institutions from which CCD can accept transfer credit.
- As credit hours vary by institution, a consultation with the BAS Degree Completion Coordinator is advised to determine initial standing upon entry into CCD’s Dental Hygiene degree completion program.
- MAT 1260, Introduction to Statistics, is a graduation requirement. It can be taken prior to or during the BAS. If you have questions about when this course should be taken, please consult with the BAS Coordinator.
- Transfer students must earn 25% or a minimum of 30 credit hours from CCD in order to earn the BAS in Dental Hygiene and graduate from CCD.
- A minimum of 24 credit hours must be taken within the BAS Dental Hygiene curriculum at the 3000/4000-course level. Courses are listed below.
BAS Dental Hygiene Curriculum | ||
MAT 1260 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
DEH 3001 | Advanced Careers in Dental Hygiene | 3 |
DEH 3002 | Applied Dental Hygiene Research Methodologies | 3 |
DEH 3055 | Social Issues in Oral Health | 3 |
DEH 3026 | Oral Health Promotion | 3 |
DEH 4012 | Teaching Strategies and Methods for the Dental Hygiene Educator | 3 |
DEH 4081 | Dental Hygiene Internship I* | 2 |
DEH 4082 | Dental Hygiene Internship II* | 2 |
DEH 3000/4000 Electives | Options (minimum of 7 credits) | |
DEH 3047 - Dental Hygiene Business Administration | 3 | |
DEH 3087 - Dental Hygiene Leadership & Administration | 3 | |
DEH 4002 - Diversity & Cultural Research: Relationship to the Delivery of Oral Health | 3 |
*Students enrolled in DEH 4081, Dental Hygiene Internship I, and DEH 4082, Dental Hygiene Internship II, must complete the BAS Dental Hygiene Student Internship Agreement.
Courses will be delivered either asynchronously or synchronously through CCD’s Desire to Learn (D2L) Learning Management System. Students enrolled in the BAS DEH program must be able to devote sufficient time each week to participate in their online course(s), discussions/activities, and complete required assignments.
As a student of this program, it will be imperative that you be self-directed in your learning and to establish high standards of professional and personal excellence. Attention to detail, motivation, and the ability to complete tasks within a specified timeframe are critical to success.
Some programs and/or courses may require additional fees in addition to the base tuition and fees. High-cost course fees are used to support the maintenance and development of the course labs and are embedded within your general tuition.
The following courses have additional fees:
DEH 1001, DEH 1002, DEH 1004, DEH 1026, DEH 1070, DEH 1071, DEH 2070, DEH 2071
View the 2024-2025 Course Specific Fees
Program Costs
Costs are subject to change without notice. The fees listed are estimates only. Variations may occur without being posted on this website. This information is meant for planning purposes only.
YEAR 1 | ||
FULL-TIME TUITION | Review tuition and basic fees. | |
SUPPLIES | Books | $750 |
Student Member of American Association of Public Health & Dentistry (AAPHD) | $40 | |
Student Member of the American Dental Education Association^ | $40/NC |
YEAR 2 | ||
FULL-TIME TUITION | Review tuition and basic fees. | |
SUPPLIES | Books | $750 |
Student Chapter of American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD)+ | $40 | |
Student Member of the American Dental Education Association^ | $40/NC |
*Students completing 12 credit hours per semester or 6 credit hours per 8 week session will be able to complete the program in one calendar year. Program length will be determined at the individual’s Program Plan meeting with the BAS Coordinator.
^CCD is a member of ADEA and fee can be waived
+Student membership in dental/dental hygiene professional organizations is encouraged to be kept aware of changing policies and news within dentistry and dental hygiene. These organizations also offer scholarship and employment opportunities.
This program is eligible for federal financial aid.
Your first step is to connect with the Financial Aid office to discover how you can afford college. Our dedicated staff and support services help you wade through all the legal language and get you past the first hurdle to completing your educational goals.
In addition, CCD has $1,000,000 available in scholarships. Learn More!
What Can I Do with My Major?
Employment of dental hygienists is projected to grow 20 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Dental hygienists who have earned a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in dental hygiene can be employed in a variety of settings beyond the traditional private practice dental setting. Career opportunities are expanded and can include:
- community dental health clinics
- public schools
- clinical and basic science research laboratories
- state and federal health facilities
- management
- dental hygiene education
- sales and marketing representatives
- entrepreneurial ventures
As licensed oral health professionals who focus on prevention and control of oral diseases, dental hygienists possess the knowledge and skills to provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services in a variety of dental/dental hygiene settings. In addition to the traditional roles and skills of a dental hygienist, bachelor degree trained dental hygienists can expand their role to develop program plans for public health institutions and organizations, participate in research, educate dental, dental hygiene students and community groups, be employed within dental sales, medical sales, marketing organizations and consulting firms.
Dental hygienists with an entrepreneurial spirit can develop their own unique niche to support dentistry and dental hygiene through continuing education, practice management and publications.
How Much Can I Expect to Earn?
The median annual wage for dental hygienists was $87,530 in May 2023.
The information provided here is by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Students enrolled in the BAS program must be a member of the American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA). Student membership is available to BAS dental hygiene degree completion students.
In addition, students are encouraged to become a student member of either the American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) or the American Association of Dental Education (ADEA). Both professional organizations offer opportunities for scholarship, continuing education, networking, career and educational advancement.
BAS DEH students will be asked to reference these organizations for materials and/or support during their coursework.
Bachelor of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Graduation and Advanced Education
Number of Program Graduates* | Percentage of Graduates That Have Gone on to Pursue a Master's* | Institutions Students Chose to Pursue Advanced Degrees* |
38 | 16% | Buena Vista University Eastern Washington University Idaho State University Ohio University Regis University University of Colorado - Denver |
*Reporting data from July 2017 - June 2020.
The application for the BAS Dental Hygiene Program is open year-round.
Congratulations on your decision to take your dental hygiene degree to the next level and earn your baccalaureate degree.
The Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Dental Hygiene application requires supplemental documents that you will need to prepare before you start the application and apply. Review the information below to learn more about the specific materials you’ll be asked to submit during the BAS Dental Hygiene application process.
Please note that this application requires a CCD S Number to access, you must have already applied to, and been accepted by the Community College of Denver and have a current S Number to apply. All materials for the fall application are attached below and all materials are required to be considered for the next Dental Hygiene BAS Co-Hort.
Apply to CCD and declare your "major" as "Associate of General Studies" if you are not a current student.
Other Required Documents
- Driver's License or Valid Legal Identification
- Current Dental Hygiene License
- Essay*
- Transcript(s)
Prior Education
Unofficial Transcripts
Submit an unofficial copy of ALL transcripts, including dental hygiene school transcripts, current, and previously attended colleges or universities from which CCD can accept credits with your application. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher is required for admission to the BAS program in Dental Hygiene. In addition, CCD must be able to accept transfer credits from your college or university in order to be admitted to the program.
When you upload your unofficial transcript copies, use the following naming convention: Last Name_Transcript-College Name, e.g., Smith_Transcript-CCD.
Transcripts will be evaluated to determine if coursework will fulfill specific requirements for required and/or elective coursework toward the Bachelor of Applied Science degree.
Official Transcripts
CCD’s Office of Registration & Records must receive official copies of your transcripts from all colleges and universities attended to transfer credit for previous coursework. These transcripts must be mailed or electronically delivered to the Office of Registration & Records, Campus Box 201, P.O. Box 173363, Denver, CO 80217.
- You must provide proof of Colorado residency or residency within a state under National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). If requesting Colorado residency status, you must submit a copy of your Colorado Driver’s License or Colorado State Identification Card. If the license of your ID was issued less than one year ago, other proof of Colorado residency must be submitted. If you have questions about this, please contact Rebecca McGruder.
- We ask that you save all of your documents before you upload them to the online application with this convention: Your Name_Name of Document, e.g., Smith_Residency Status.
Verification of Dental Hygiene Licensure
For the completion of our online application, please be prepared to list the state(s) for which you currently hold an active dental hygiene license, including the state and license number. If you hold a certificate in local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, or another area, please indicate as well. License status will be verified. All applicants must hold an active dental hygiene license in at least one state within the United States to be accepted into the CCD BAS degree completion program.
Writing Sample
The purpose of the writing sample is to assess and advise the need for possible additional coursework, tutoring, or suggested elective(s) in order to enhance your current writing skills.
Type your response on a separate sheet and attach it by uploading a Word document or PDF on our online application. Please save your document with the following naming convention before uploading: Last Name_BAS-Writing-Sample.
Please limit your response to no more than 500 words. View the rubric provided to assist with format and content.
Provide a sample of your writing by responding to one of the following prompts.
- Prompt Option 1: Describe a situation in which you were in direct conflict with a colleague or patient. Address your feelings at the time, how they impacted the situation, and how you were able to resolve the conflict.
- Prompt Option 2: Reflect on your career and/or professional goals; discuss how your academic, volunteer, and/or extra-curricular activities will help you to achieve these goals. You may choose to include in your reflection past and/or current activities, as well as your plans for future activities.
- Prompt Option 3: Leadership is not only important but also necessary to be successful in new ventures. Discuss an experience where you have taken on a leadership role, how you were able to be successful in this role, and what personal skills or attributes you feel were vital to your success.
Student Responsibilities & Affirmation
To complete the online application, you will affirm that you have read the following information with an electronic signature.
The following is a list of student responsibilities for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene program. The list is not exhaustive but covers the primary responsibilities for participants in the BAS DEH program and as a student in an online educational program.
- Contact BAS Degree Completion Coordinator to establish an individualized Program Plan.
- Own a desktop, laptop, or tablet that is compliant with the minimum technology requirements set forth by the Community College of Denver for online classes.
- Establish and maintain a stable high-speed/broadband internet connection throughout enrollment in the BAS Program.
- Check email daily for announcements and other important BAS course information.
- Log in to D2L within one week of the start of the eight-week class session to establish course attendance.
- Continue to log in to the enrolled course(s) at least two times per week to complete course activities, assignments, and review material.
- Be a member of the American Dental Hygienists Association.
- Pay all course and tuition fees as established by Community College of Denver.
- Purchase all required textbooks and other course materials as determined by the course instructor.
If you've already prepared application materials, you're ready to begin the online application.
After the degree completion coordinator has reviewed your online application and supporting materials, you will be notified of your status in the BAS dental hygiene program. Those accepted into the program will also receive instructions on the next steps, including some of the following:
- Review the BAS Dental Hygiene curriculum and schedule a meeting with Degree Completion Coordinator, Rebecca McGruder, to develop your Program Plan.
- Register and pay for your classes. To set up a payment plan, please contact Cashier's Office at 303.556.2075.