Nutrition is a fascinating and dynamic science with a powerful role to play in promoting and sustaining health and wellness.
An Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in nutrition prepares you to use your knowledge to educate individuals, patients, and their communities on healthy behaviors, wellness, and appropriate food choices. This two-year program prepares you for transfer to finish your bachelor’s or master’s degree in nutrition/dietetics or entry-level food and nutrition-related positions.
Earn your A.S. in nutrition! It will provide you with a wide range of career opportunities, including dietary manager, nutrition support services, nutrition service aid, dietary aid, food co-ops, health clubs & spas, health food stores, wellness education, and nutrition product sales.
Continue to a four-year degree, and you'll be prepared for career opportunities such as a registered dietitian, food safety specialist, food scientist, nutritionist, nutrition product development, public health nutritionist, or educator. *Some careers and occupations require additional training, certification, or education.
The job growth outlook in this field is estimated to increase by 24% (2020-2030).

60-64 credits
Program Highlights
- You'll automatically earn a certificate in food, nutrition, and wellness at the end of your first year when following the suggested degree pathway.
- CCD has an articulation agreement with MSU Denver, where your A.S. will seamlessly transfer.
- Continue to a four-year degree, and you'll be prepared for career opportunities such as a registered dietitian, food safety specialist, food scientist, nutritionist, nutrition product development, public health nutritionist, or educator. *Some careers and occupations require additional training, certification, or education.
- Scholarship opportunities are available for transfer and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) students.
- As a student in this program, you can be a part of the Auraria Campus Student Dietetic Association and meet other students from CCD and MSU Denver who are also interested in Nutrition and Wellness.
8 credits
In our three-course certificate program, you will explore various approaches to health and wellness by studying the concepts, values, and applications of this exciting field of health science. In the first two courses, you will learn the fundamentals of nutrition, explore what it means to eat healthily, discover how to efficiently plan meals and grocery shop, and gain techniques that will make cooking fun, easy and enjoyable. In the third and final course, you will focus on fitness and wellness, which will provide a foundation to design, implement, and evaluate a complete personal fitness and wellness program.
This certificate is relevant to you if you are pursuing an education in nutrition or health-related fields, including healthcare professionals, nutritionists, personal trainers, wellness coaches, massage therapists, life coaches, teachers, caregivers, or any individual with an interest in food, diet, and optimal health. You can use the certificate for an entry-level position, to continue your education towards an A.A.S. degree in nutrition, or to enhance education or job opportunities in current positions.
This certificate is not eligible for federal student aid, but scholarships are available for short certificates at CCD.
Many states require dietitians and nutritionists to be licensed. This certificate does not meet licensure eligibility requirements for registered dietitians.
Many states require dietitians and nutritionists to be licensed. The certificate does not meet licensure eligibility requirements for registered dietitians.
CCD Online offers fully online certificates and degrees, and individual online courses to help match your busy schedule. Students who complete the A.S. in nutrition program can finish the CCD specific program courses either live on campus or completely online. Inter-institutional courses provided by MSU Denver (NUT 1800, 3200, 3400 and CHEM 2100/2150) may or may not be offered online. Please check the MSU Denver Course Schedule and Calendar for specific modality offerings.
Your first step is to see if online learning is right for you. Online and hybrid environments offer much more flexibility but require more self-direction and self-discipline. Certain work habits, learning styles and skills contribute to a successful online or hybrid learning experience.
Online Experience Questions?
303.352.6785 |
Some programs and/or courses may require additional fees in addition to the base tuition and fees. High-cost course fees are used to support the maintenance and development of the course labs and are embedded within your general tuition.
The following courses have additional fees:
HWE 1050, HWE 1054, HWE 1061
View the 2024-2025 Course Specific Fees
The nutrition A.S. is eligible for federal financial aid. However, the food, wellness & nutrition certificate is not eligible for federal student aid.
Your first step is to connect with the Financial Aid office to discover how you can afford college. Our dedicated staff and support services help you wade through all the legal language and get you past the first hurdle to completing your educational goals.
In addition, CCD has $1,000,000 available in scholarships. Learn More!
There are even special scholarships available for short certificates, like our certificate in food, wellness & nutrition. Learn more about our short certificate scholarship program.
CCD and Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) have developed a pathway from an A.S. in nutrition to a Bachelor of Science in nutrition. The A.S. degree can be completed in two years at CCD with the remaining two years to complete the B.S. at MSU Denver.
CCD and MSU Denver offer a unique 3+2 transfer pathway. Earn your master's degree in just 5 years!
CCD and MSU Denver have developed a pathway from an Associate of Science in Nutrition (A.S.) to a Master of Science in Nutrition. The A.S. degree can be completed in 2 years at CCD with the remaining 3 years to complete the MS degree in Nutrition at MSU Denver. This plan requires students to finish 3 years of undergraduate college course work and the remaining 2 years are focused on graduate course work (3+2 plan).
What Can I Do with My Major?
Continue on to a four-year degree and you'll be prepared for career opportunities such as a registered dietitian, food safety specialist, food scientist, nutritionist, nutrition product development, public health nutritionist, or educator. The job growth outlook in this field is estimated to increase by 24% (2020-2030 O'Net.
Career Opportunities for the Associate of Science in Nutrition
There are several career paths with a nutrition degree. You can transfer to a four-year institution to obtain a bachelor's degree in nutrition or relevant field. Although you might choose to go on to become a nutritionist, there are numerous other nutrition careers that can be pursued:
- Clinical Nutritionist
- Dietetic Consultant
- Dietitian
- Food Service Manager
- Nutritionist
- Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
Career Opportunities for Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Wellness
This certificate is relevant to you if you are pursuing an education in nutrition or health-related fields, including healthcare professionals, nutritionists, personal trainers, wellness coaches, massage therapists, life coaches, teachers, caregivers, or any individual with an interest in food, diet and optimal health. You can use the certificate for an entry-level position, to continue your education towards an A.S. degree in nutrition or to enhance education or job opportunities in current positions. Some entry-level job examples include:
- Dietary aid
- Diet counselor
- Dietary assistant
- Drug & alcohol abuse centers
- Food co-ops
- Gyms/health clubs & spas
- Health food stores
- Kitchen & nutrition service positions in school districts
- Nursing homes
- Nutrition education: preschool, elementary
- Nutrition product sales
- Work wellness coordinator
With Additional Education & Experience
Some careers and occupations require additional training, certification or education. Some include:
- Dietetic technician
- Employee wellness counselor
- Food & nutrition service positions
- Nutrition communications specialist
- Nutrition counselor
- Public health & community agencies
- Recreation programs
How Much Can I Expect to Earn?
If you obtain a certificate, you can expect to earn $12-$16 per hour. The median hourly wage for food preparation workers in Colorado is $14.24 per hour or $29,610 per year.
With an A.S. in nutrition, the median annual wage for food service managers was $63,060 in May 2023. The median annual wage for dietitians and nutritionists with a bachelor's degree was $69,680 in May 2023.
2020 wage data
Total of 2019 Graduates | Total Students Employed in their Field of Study | Total Students Who Have Transferred to 4-Year Degree or Other Institution |
24 | 15 | 6 |
The certificate in food, nutrition and wellness seamlessly transfers to the Associate of Science in nutrition. Complete a certificate and start working while you study and finish your associate degree.